Warrel, your record is very good

I do feel stupid now I had just woke up after only getting a few hours sleep and I was grumpy so again sorry for going ape shit on you guys and calling you twats etc.

I'm sensitive on the subject of Simen Hestnaes. >_>
Not in most US stores, no.

Yeah this used to be loads of fun back in the day. Now they won't let you hear them because you'll realize you'd be paying $20 for crap.
They don't let you listen in the store anymore? Holy shit that's almost as gay as Boy George spreading his ass cheeks for George Michael! If you can't give a CD a listen, how're you supposed to know if it's any good? I see what you mean with downloading to get to know a band now.
Small CD shops used to be fine with it, but not the big chains. Sadly most little shops have all closed up, and the big chains are even going out of business. Well, the rap specialty CD shops which seem to be at every mall now seem to be doing okay, maybe they let you listen in the store lol.
Small CD shops used to be fine with it, but not the big chains. Sadly most little shops have all closed up, and the big chains are even going out of business. Well, the rap specialty CD shops which seem to be at every mall now seem to be doing okay, maybe they let you listen in the store lol.

But, now that the big chains are bowing to the pressure of internet commerce, this means most people are buying CD's on iTunes or places like Amazon where they do allow you to listen to a sample of each track.
Yeah, there was a continuation of my thought process involving the switch to downloadable media but didn't feel like bringing it up.

Just last month iTunes passed Best Buy as the #2 seller of music nationwide.

Doesn't surprise me, but I'm shocked how walmart is the #1 seller. I guess it's due to their overwhelming presence.
Nanning, China has 1 that is 4 stories high and it's VERY popular.
...imagine that, Chinese stuff bought in China. We should import that logic
here in the U.S.

We could do that, but we'd have to pay vastly higher prices to produce the stuff here - that or employ barely-paid illegals in the factories making the products.