Watershed vs Ghost Reveries

Watershed or Ghost Reveries

  • Watershed

    Votes: 121 63.0%
  • Ghost Reveries

    Votes: 71 37.0%

  • Total voters
I didnt like Watershed as much as I did Ghost Reveries.This does not mean it is a bad album,no it actually is a great album and much fun to listen to.However I think Ghost Reveries is a great example of how Opeth can mix progressive elements with black metal.Watershed is actually closer to progressive but Ghost Reveries is much more balanced.
some people are just retarded dissing bwp cuz steven wilson helped making it thinking it makes them look "hardcore" or "underground"
I think Watershed is my favorite Opeth album tied with Deliverance. However, I did feel Watershed could've had one more song like Heir Apparent/The Lotus Eater to end the album before leading onto Hex Omega. Its too short IMO.
I like the production (and songwriting for that matter) of ghost reveries much better. The guitars are way more upfront + the style on GR is much darker and intense with more "foresty" moments and a superb contrast between heavy and mellow. Watershed lacks some complexity and I consider it to be their worst album (still a good record) but hey , that's just my opinion.
I like Watershed as much as GR

Now that Watershed is out, this is my list, from Best to Worst.

1. BlackWater Park
2. Still Life
3. Watershed, GR, Mayh
4. Damnation
5. Deliverance
6. Morningrise
7. Orchid
It took me about 3 listens to decide I liked Watershed more - which is saying something, as GR is one of my faves by them!
i don't think any one opeth volume should be compared with another as such, as in which is better, ghost reveries or watershed, still life or damnation. i see every one of their albums as a proper progression from one to the other, in fact i feel that each new album properly continues each previous one's musical thoughts and ideas. i think that's what too many people are overlooking, the overall feel and emotion that each opeth album has in their succession. too many people are expecting all blast beats and evil lyrics and that is just not what opeth is. so they say they hate opeth or they hate this or that about opeth, because of the detuned acoustic guitar outtro to burden or whatever. i can understand ppl who have just recently been turned onto opeth not knowin quite what to make of their music, and although i just first heard master's apprentices like in 03 or something, i have made up for my loss by completing everything i ever wanted to know about opeth by repeatedly listening to every album from orchid to watershed front to back over and over again. ok i'm just ranting again and i'm sorry.
Wow - I'm kinda glad fans out there seem to be embracing the new album.

I must say in all honesty that GR is the stronger album for me.
Better high-points, though it does lose focus in spots.
GR is one of those albums you could give to any Opeth newcomer, and say - welcome to your new life as an Opeth fanatic!

WS has great moments as well, but the overall experience is rather weak for me.
With other Opeth albums, I throw in the CD and hit play. On the new one, I navigate to certain songs, and skip over others. Never a good sign.

But let's keep it in perspective - a sub-par Opeth album still rocks the balls and ass of every other band out there. Their status as gods remains intact.

Finally, here's what I LOVE about the new album: Mike has thrown all caution to the wind and is obviously breaking new ground. We'll see where this all leads, but I'm confident it will be very fertile ground in the years ahead. Thanks
No question imo.
Still Life


I was honestly surprised by Watershed, and in a good way too! I had pretty much dismissed the idea of the album being any good based on Deliverance and Ghost Reveries. Those two are my least favorite albums and in that respective order. If I were to rank the albums, it'd go something like this:

Still Life
My Arms Your Hearse
Blackwater Park
Ghost Reveries
Still Life
Ghost Reveries
GR was my favorite Opeth album.

I enjoy Watershed more, though. The keyboards are finally used to their full potential (they seemed tacked on in GR, and indeed I think they were - I remember Mike saying something about how the album was pretty much written before they finally convinced Per to join), and the textures and everything are amazing. I've always been fond of keyboard solos, too.

Weakest link on Watershed is Porcelain Heart. But it's not a bad song, so I won't be jumping up to skip it or anything.
I think they're equal at this point. Watershed is more of a creepy, haunting sounding album than GR, but GR has a more crushing sound, but then again there is heir apparent, which crushes most of Opeths songs. Damn I just like them both.
Don't like GR too much to begin with, nor do I like its production, so this is a no-brainer for me. It's been quite awhile since Opeth blew me away with anything, but Hessian Peel did it.