Watershed vs Ghost Reveries

Watershed or Ghost Reveries

  • Watershed

    Votes: 121 63.0%
  • Ghost Reveries

    Votes: 71 37.0%

  • Total voters
Music wise, it's a tough one. Watershed and Ghost Reveries both share diversity in sounds but I think Mikael has matured some over the period of time between albums and it shows. I guess that means I'd take Watershed. But now that there's all this mystery surrounding the album, Watershed is a more intriguing album that I would buy first.
I think Hex Omega is the weakest. Although I like the bass bit at the start how it descends, my amp only goes down to 40Hz, so it sort of stops in the middle when it's descending, i think it's meant to go right down.
I'm not going to vote on this. I like each album for different reasons. It'll take at least a year before I can say which one I like better. But, I'm in love with Watershed right now. Oh, and for the record... Coil is definitely the weakest track.
I cannot wait to listen to Ghost Reveries about a month from now after Watershed has marinated.

Watershed may rise to be my 4th favourite album below SL, MR and MAYH. It doesn't have the epic notions of Leper Affinity and Blackwater Park but wow, the vibe is so beautiful.
people who hate gr:
wtf is wrong with you retards go listen to both/gop/btm/iy/how/hf/tgc (it is a good song after all)
Interesting to peruse this thread, and the forum in general. With the exception of Hubster, judging by post counts, it's obvious Opeth has garnered an entirely new and different fan base with GR and Watershed. Not a criticism, just an observation proving my thesis.
As Blackwater Park garnered a much larger fanbase for Opeth, so did the past two albums, seemingly much more so than the Damnation/Deliverance era. The proliferation of sub-500-post counts in this very thread suggests as much. With the subsequent release of progressively worse albums, I began to wonder what happened to their fanbase. The activity here suggests their fanbase is alive and well, albeit with new listeners. Fans from BP and earlier, far superior works, have long gone. There are various reasons for this but I'm apathetic about it now. Draw your own conclusions.
Can you imagine that there are people somewhere (everywhere) who are open-minded (eared, whatever) enough to consider every Opeth album a masterpiece, yet very different from the others?
1st listen I thought meh...

2nd, 3rd & now probably my 10th I'm still sort of mixed. It's very diverse, but...

I would say I like GR better. There's some great stuff in Watershed, but GR has more of the great melodies I've come to admire from Opeth.

Honestly my 1st thought upon hearing Watershed was I miss Lopez. 2nd, I wish they lessened the roll Per has in every song.. Nothing against him personally, I just enjoyed their previous work before his arrival. The keys seem to drown out the guitars in parts. They're also used as a substitute for guitars in others. Personally I prefer their brilliant guitar melodies over the keys. However, I will say that the keys on Watershed are better than on GR.

That being said the album is really tight. These guys definitely have the chemistry down as was obvious by their great live show in Montreal.

idk, maybe I need another year or two to choose between the two
I reserve the right to change my mind
Maybe I'm just having a hard time letting go of the old Opeth. I'm nostalgic, what can I say
In response to dorian gray: What it tells me is that people eventually get bored of talking about the same thing over and over and find new places to go, and get new interests. Also, I think that newer listeners may be more open to change than ones who were there from the start. Folks who jumped on around BWP or later had an entire ouvre to discern what Opeth is all about, as opposed to a couple of, albeit very good, albums. Depending upon when you discovered them, your expectations will probably be different. And where you come from as a listener will be different, too.
By definition, it's not possible for more than one work to be a masterpiece, and I don't clearly understand how your question relates to my thesis. What I'm wondering is whether or not the past two albums (which are quite similar to each other in every respect) have produced an entirely new fanbase considering they are a break, musically, from previous directions. My understanding is that BP garnered them a new and much larger fanbase than they had prior. The current state of this forum suggests this has happened again. What are your thoughts?
Watershed is the first album that I don't like. GR was solid all the way through.. WS starts out soft.. kind of gets good.. does a nintendo mario brothers keyboard thing that ruins an entire song, the solos are awkward, the flow of the songs is disjointed and non-inspirational, then their is an ending I have to skip everytime I hear it because it's de-tuneing.... I just can't listen to this album from start to finish without fastforwarding through annoyances.

Sorry, my honest opinion as of right now.. Maybe it will grow on me in the future.. but as of right now, that's what I got.

Flame me and suck my dick.
In response to dorian gray: What it tells me is that people eventually get bored of talking about the same thing over and over and find new places to go, and get new interests. Also, I think that newer listeners may be more open to change than ones who were there from the start. Folks who jumped on around BWP or later had an entire ouvre to discern what Opeth is all about, as opposed to a couple of, albeit very good, albums. Depending upon when you discovered them, your expectations will probably be different. And where you come from as a listener will be different, too.

Excellent post here.