Tebus said:I've been saying that I want to move to Sweden for a while now as well. But I'm starting to feel like no matter where I am, I will still run into the same difficulties. So I decided to just work on making myself stronger instead of moving. I seem to notice a lot of problems in the world that no one else thinks is a problem. It is depressing at times.
Well, that's partially right, imo. The fact is that, due to a bunch of circumstances, maybe I'll get to Sweden this next summer too, so I've been reckoning about the very same thing for months.
"No matter where I am, I will still run into the same difficulties". Of course, it depends on which kind of difficulties we're talking about, but your time and location are strong influences in your way of life, for sure (aside from your personality that, obviously, is also involved). The times we're living are pretty different, in general patterns, from the times my parents lived 30 years ago. And the same general lines changes substantially depending on the country you're living in, and even the region counts.
Concluding, you should not forget to work hard on yourself, improving and growing within. But there are external factors maybe you're not satisfied with. And then you better pay attention to a brilliant Rudyard Kipling's phrase: "God gave me me the courage to change those things I can't accept, accept those that I can't change, and the wisdom to appreciate the difference". Attend to both sides, your inner improvement and your interaction with your particular reality. We're not necessarily forced to accept the world as it apparently is, we ought seek our own voice. (Er... and that doesn't mean that you should kill every dog in the world if you don't like dogs, i.e
