We Are The Void

One journalist in Finnish metal music related forum Imperiumi wrote down some impressions about the album after 3 spins. I'll translate the key parts.

"Album is strong as a whole and is darker than the last few albums. Atmosphere-wise it resembles Projector and Haven. Some songs are faster and more aggressive but mainly the album is more atmospheric, even harmonic where guitars and keys create more multilayered soundscapes. Most of the vocals are growls but there are also clean vocals in few songs and those definitely deliver.

It's a strong album which emphasizes the big picture and atmosphere instead of easy hits. Thus the album is not easy but requires more spins to fully open."

Sounds very promising and it's pleasant to read the band taking more experimental route this time without changing too much.

One journalist in Finnish metal music related forum Imperiumi wrote down some impressions about the album after 3 spins. I'll translate the key parts.

"Album is strong as a whole and is darker than the last few albums. Atmosphere-wise it resembles Projector and Haven. Some songs are faster and more aggressive but mainly the album is more atmospheric, even harmonic where guitars and keys create more multilayered soundscapes. Most of the vocals are growls but there are also clean vocals in few songs and those definitely deliver.

It's a strong album which emphasizes the big picture and atmosphere instead of easy hits. Thus the album is not easy but requires more spins to fully open."

Sounds very promising and it's pleasant to read the band taking more experimental route this time without changing too much.

Defiance. Ist. Happy. :D .
if the rest sounds like this it will be the best album. ever. drums are heavier and amazing. Keys even better. Stannes voice is...beyond words. and the cover is awesome, mix between dali and escher.
I thought i saw Escher in there as well.

For whatever it's worth... The song sounds to me like Soilwork meets Disarmonia Mundi meets Arch Enemy meets Norther meets DT-style keyboards (i can't help but want to listen to DM's Red clouds right after this song). I really love all of those bands, but i'm not sure this is what i'd expect from a DT song. It's a good song, though, and different. And different makes all the difference. ;)

From the first studio report thing, i know that there's at least one song in the album which i'm going to like more than Dream oblivion. Now what i'm really hoping for is that it's more than one.
"Album is strong as a whole and is darker than the last few albums. Atmosphere-wise it resembles Projector and Haven. Some songs are faster and more aggressive but mainly the album is more atmospheric, even harmonic where guitars and keys create more multilayered soundscapes. Most of the vocals are growls but there are also clean vocals in few songs and those definitely deliver.

It's a strong album which emphasizes the big picture and atmosphere instead of easy hits. Thus the album is not easy but requires more spins to fully open."

This sounds great. Darker is good, very good. :)
The studio updates this far have been amazing, but as myspace hates my computer (or vice versa) I'm still perfectly oblivious to Dream Oblivion. :mad: Well, I suppose I'll wait until I can listen to the album as a whole anyway, so no huge loss there.

Anyways, about the album-cover, am I the only one who got seriously disturbing GOATSE-impressions from it? It might just be that my vulnerable mind has been so badly damaged by it that I see it even where there's no reason to. But damn, that association is creepy. It might take me a while to get used to looking at that cover without flinching.

And if you do not know what GOATSE is, don't google it - you'd rather not see it, ever. Trust me. :Puke:

The studio updates this far have been amazing, but as myspace hates my computer (or vice versa) I'm still perfectly oblivious to Dream Oblivion. :mad: Well, I suppose I'll wait until I can listen to the album as a whole anyway, so no huge loss there.

Anyways, about the album-cover, am I the only one who got seriously disturbing GOATSE-impressions from it? It might just be that my vulnerable mind has been so badly damaged by it that I see it even where there's no reason to. But damn, that association is creepy. It might take me a while to get used to looking at that cover without flinching.

And if you do not know what GOATSE is, don't google it - you'd rather not see it, ever. Trust me. :Puke:


Yeah, I see goatse in it too.
Anyways, about the album-cover, am I the only one who got seriously disturbing GOATSE-impressions from it?

Ahahaha, you sick fuck :D

I never got what was so terrible about that goatse thing, there are things way more disturbing on quite a few more levels than a dude extending his asshole in front of a camera (breaking a bottle inside and getting out pieces of glass - that's a completely different story).

And sure enough goatse wasn't the first association with the cover. Hell - it wasn't even the last or at all till you brought this up :lol:
I'm as sick as Villain. Still time to change it for the official release?

Hint: showing someone tearing something vaguely circular open = not a viable artistic option anymore. Thank you, internet!
I'm as sick as Villain. Still time to change it for the official release?

Hint: showing someone tearing something vaguely circular open = not a viable artistic option anymore. Thank you, internet!

Haha yeah, but I doubt there's time to change it. I'm not sure if the band cares for what we say, anyhow :p . However, it's not only us, all of my friends, people who are not as fan as me, didn't like the cover either.

Actually, I prefer the Laethora one, go figure.

Oh shit! I didnt like the cover, but for no particular reason, I just didnt like it. But as Im not so keen on covers, I didnt care. I do NOW! :)

You should always care about covers IMO, it makes the difference (for people that don't know a band) between buying a CD or not. Perhaps with this the band is trying to appeal to the hardcore audience?

now, u are all just being really immature. The cover is awesome, vagina or anal alike.

whats wrong with u people??? Can u tell me how u cannot love this cover? its dark, mysterious, intriguing, tasteful hints to Dali and Escher, really well done technically.... If niklas reads this, dont change it g-d dammit!!! =)
Well, I'm really not asking Niklas to change it, as apart from the aforementioned issue I do think it's great with all the tones of grey, the upside-down building in the bottom, the bleeding red O in Void and so on. It is just that I doubt I'll ever be able to unsee a guy ripping his asshole when I look at it. I wonder how aware of this issue Niklas was before he made it? I'm sure someone as internet-savvy as him has been hit by Goatse before, so I must question if this association ever occurred to him. My friend believes it's fully intentional, but if that's true I fail to see the reasoning behind it.

As for why Goatse in particular is so burned to my mind (unlike all the presumably a lot more horrendous images I've seen in my life), the reason is very simple: years ago it was the first internet "shock image" I ever saw while expecting something completely different - and it worked. Nothing I've seen since has shocked me that way.

Anyways, it's the content that matters the most - not the cover. I just hope the music will be as amazing as I expect.

I wonder how aware of this issue Niklas was before he made it? I'm sure someone as internet-savvy as him has been hit by Goatse before, so I must question if this association ever occurred to him. My friend believes it's fully intentional, but if that's true I fail to see the reasoning behind it.


http://www.darktranquillity.com/realindex.html - The cover artwork is created by Stefan Wibbeke of Medialogistics.

So, this time DT let someone else to create the cover.

This cover looks nice to me, but I still prefer DT's previous artwork style.

Anyways, it's the content that matters the most - not the cover. I just hope the music will be as amazing as I expect.
I agree with you.

I like the new song, it's good to have something different.
Check the video footage, it sounds great! - http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=132372

So I'll just wait and buy it :)