Weed question.

Weed or alcohol, makes little difference, stop being an ass just because weed has a taboo upon it, because it's illegal or a "drug"...I can't think of any other reason why someone would bash weed and advocate alcohol.
i dont think im being an ass. an ass would be calling you a stoner fuck and telling you to pull your life together. and i cant say that im advocating alcohol since i already claimed that statement to be a joke. im not even taking the subtle "hey man whatever you do with your life is your choice, but im not for it" approach. i made a joke, thats it.

if you look at the first reply to this thread you will see me, giving you advice for what i think would help keep your weed. i lent my oppinionated advice to answer your question, and 40 posts later i make a joke, and i have to be called names for it?

lighten up
There are more stoners than you might think. And really, really successful ones too.

Successful alcoholics are very rare.

Weed >x10 Alcohol
Yeah, alcohol is more detrimental, but weed tends to make my mind tooooo fuzzy for too long. It depends on my mood, but I would prefer to drink over smoke. I just have plenty of weed at the moment. :D
I agree/beleive that alcoholism is a much more damaging thing for a person than someone who smokes weed often.
Of course Alcohol is a drug... only a fool will think it is not...
I believe that everything in life should be balanced.
Too much of everything may damage you.

You will never catch me drink till I pass out, I know when to say 'no' to
a drink and when not to drink at all, and at the same time you will never
catch me dead passed out for being too stoned...

Moderate your poison people.