What are you learning?

Hmmm, I know what ya mean... :waah: Even though where I live is a decent city (Actually it's the capital of my state..), we always seem to get missed by bands touring down here. I was so nervous waiting for when the schedule for G3 (Petrucci, Vai, Satriani) came out, I felt sure we would miss out... Thanks God they did come and it was awesome, and Portnoy mentioned that Dream Theater would be coming on the next world tour... :rock: But yeah, I've hardly been to any concerts apart from that :erk:
I've grown to dislike that song cause it got really really popular among the guitarists back in high school. I'd go in the guitar room and everybody was just playing Inferno all the time. Too much of a good thing..
Yeah I can understand that. Down here we have that same problem with Greenday... hang on that's not too much of a good thing, that's just crap right from the start :lol: Down here I've never heard Inferno from anyone's guitar except for Romeo's, and only then from the cd, which I've never met anyone who owns it except for me... :erk:
I'va almost converted my mate (who I've only known about 3 months, but we jam and stuff) he could probably learn that song better than I could, he's this Indian guy and he's psycho on the guitar... He was into Maiden and Vai and Yngwie and that sort of stuff... Apart from him, everybody seems to be stuck at the Chili Peppers or Other radio friendly pop... It's really quite sad... A couple of my friends like Opeth, and my cousin who plays bass appreciates Symphony X, but that's about it :waah:
Queensrÿche - Operation Mindcrime

One of the best concept albums ever. I want to learn everything from it.