What are you learning?

I would ask how you put Van Halen and Stravinsky in the same sentence, but we're talking about Jason Becker so nevermind.
It's like something Jason Becker said.
"Learning to play by ear was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. When I was trying to learn stuff like Mozart, Stravinsky, and Van Halen, I always learned it by ear. I always played the licks wrongly, but those mistakes became my own licks, and helped developed my style."

Yeah I've heard that quote. I think it was from his Hotlicks video?? which I own and have watched a few times now. He was an unbelievable player and it makes me sad to think of how he is now :cry: Hmmm, good luck to him anyway. :headbang:
yeah, I just recently got it for X-Mas. It is so weird. It is an instructional video, but he makes it so you have to tab his stuff out by ear. There are great animations in it too. Especially for the opening intro to the song Primal.
The Underworld solo is coming along very well, I got pretty much all of it nailed except the first sweep. Plus I fiddled around with my amp and found a really great tone, similar to Stephan's lead tone.
I'm sure it is, I shall endeavor to improve myself in all possible areas of skill in relation to guitar... it's wierd, some people are naturally very good with their ear, like you MrFast, as I can see by some of the songs that you learn, but others are good at reading notation. Very few are fluent at both. I know some are, but not many that's for sure...

hmm...i know exactly what you mean. there are a lot of people out there, in fact, i think most people who pick up the guitar, who are naturally good with their ear. but i also think this is because they have developed their ear starting from a young age. i too wish i had that special ear. but for now, i'm just trying to learn the notes on the fretboard so that can hopefully benefit me in the future when i try to write songs using theory.
It is times like these that I wish I had a Windows. The family computer is the only one in my house and it is a mac. selfpwned :erk:
If only it worked for more than programming and bzFlag.

Right now, I'm not learning anything, except how to to cope with the fact taht I'll be competing with people who've been playing classical guitar for years now, and I've only been playing for like 3 or 4 months now.