What are you learning?

I don't know any chords and very little scales, but I can improvise along with whatever without a problem. It's like I know them without knowing them.

My friend is like that also. He doesn't know any theory but he writes better stuff than me.:loco:
I could probably tell you the theory of what to play, better than I could actually play it, which sucks a little, though more practice will fix that... It can be helpful though, like last night I was at a music team practice for church, and I couldn't hear myself, but I solo'd anyway, and I wouldn't have a clue whether it sounded any good or not, but I knew that the notes I was playing fitted in to the song... that's pretty handy I guess...
The more theory that I learn the more I realize I don't know, if that makes sense. I know everyone suggests learning theory but to be honest it has been the most nerve racking years of my life so far trying to decipher many aspects of it especially stuff beyond the basic modes etc. In fact, so far I can say it almost isn't worth it...
Thanks, my main problem has been the fact that there is nothing really for me to do with guitar. I would like to join a band or at least play with another guitar player but sadly that really isn't an option as there aren't many other musicians in my area.
Yeah, I have a loop pedal. I think in more creative ways when I play with people. I just seem to come up with things that I normally wouldn't sitting in my bedroom practicing.
Thanks, my main problem has been the fact that there is nothing really for me to do with guitar. I would like to join a band or at least play with another guitar player but sadly that really isn't an option as there aren't many other musicians in my area.

If you want to take music to a greater level in your life, move to a city that has many musicians. Like Hollywood, or New York.
lol, the metal scene here in Kipling, Saskatchewan is like me and two other dudes :lol:

But anyways, I just learned Cynic-The Eagle Nature on bass, and I'm now trying to learn Spiral Architect-Excessit. Fucking hard to memorize this shit :(
What is better? Sarcasm or a funny comment??? :lol:

It was actually sarcasm...

well....one was funny in a "wow, I really feel sorry for this fucker" kinda way and the other was in more of a "that deserves a light chuckle" kinda way. The reason I commented in the first place is because I thought I saw you comment in another thread about having auditioned for berklee and was going to give a highly condescending post about how much money you would be wasting by going there (or any school) with that attitude. There's way to many of that type here. Anyhow.....carry on:)