what are you reading?

I'm actually reading Corey Taylor's book right now...he may not be in the most metal band on the planet, nor does he have to be, but he is an interesting guy none the less. I went through my years where Slipknot where the worst band in heavy music because they didn't sound like Death, Priest and Testament but like them or hate em'...his lyrics are fun to read (no, I'm not talking about "fuck it all, fuck this world" lyrics, I'm talking about his writing in between all of that in most of his songs that seem very maniacal, poetic and witty at the same time). The book is interesting...it's basically him talking about the Seven Deadly sins but he weaves his roller coaster of a life and childhood and his crazy experiences through it all.
finished my second read of Dance with Dragons - probably the weakest in the ASOIAF series but still, you know, a very good read. hope it's only a couple years to the next one.

not sure what i'm reading next - my parents shipped up a ton of my old books from the basement. maybe some dan simmons.
^ Nothing comes to mind tbh...I recently finished The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, which borders on the philosophical/political as far as the 60s communist regimes are concerned.
Such a sad, expressive novel. Go at it!
finished my second read of Dance with Dragons - probably the weakest in the ASOIAF series but still, you know, a very good read. hope it's only a couple years to the next one.

not sure what i'm reading next - my parents shipped up a ton of my old books from the basement. maybe some dan simmons.

I've been trying to read it but I just can't buckle down for this one.