what are you reading?

I've already asked this before but anyone have any sci fi recommendations for me? reading sci fi is the only way i don't snap and punch a hole in the train when i'm on bart. I'm really into phillip k dick and i've read dr bloodmoney, do androids and ubik. right now i'm reading neuromancer which is cool and really cyberpunk-ish but tries a little bit too hard a lot of the time so it's really hit and miss. its really long so i kinda read it in parts instead of just one go through so i can switch to any great recommendations people have now (also tried reading that Nausea book and tbh it bored the hell out of me, oh noez i'm not an intellectual oh noezzz but its not awful so i'll continue again later).
enders game series is good stuff, i read em all except the last 2 bean books or something. i think my friend has em, i'll read em after i finish with these crazy durka durkas.
The Genesis Plague, I read half of it when I was in Italy but couldn't get it over in the states, but finally came across a .MOBI format of it for the kindle app on my tab.

also reading Holiday of the Dead, my friend at work wrote one of the stories.
I've already asked this before but anyone have any sci fi recommendations for me? reading sci fi is the only way i don't snap and punch a hole in the train when i'm on bart. I'm really into phillip k dick and i've read dr bloodmoney, do androids and ubik. right now i'm reading neuromancer which is cool and really cyberpunk-ish but tries a little bit too hard a lot of the time so it's really hit and miss. its really long so i kinda read it in parts instead of just one go through so i can switch to any great recommendations people have now (also tried reading that Nausea book and tbh it bored the hell out of me, oh noez i'm not an intellectual oh noezzz but its not awful so i'll continue again later).

the hyperion books by dan simmons. sweet lord they're so goooooood.
read enders game, really liked it. however i don't want to read the rest of the series; call me crazy but i think the book ended on a really great and thought provoking note and to keep going with that really just wouldn't do anything for me and would kinda ruin it. it seriously all tied together amazingly and while i understand how they can continue it (and obviously why, duh haha) it just wouldn't be the same as leaving it now.
the hyperion books by dan simmons. sweet lord they're so goooooood.

I believe I have a book called Hyperion in my ipad collection of sci fi books, I'll check it out. thanks!

I basically have a shitload of sci-fi books on my ipad since it can hold so much data so pretty much any recommendation people have I can just check out without needing to search it out. pretty handy, just need more recommendations! for anyone who does have any more recommendations btw if possible no series please; I don't like reading series because i feel series books tend to end on cliffhangers or random bullshit just to keep it going whereas I prefer to end a book with a feeling of completion and understanding/feeling the message or what they're trying to get across and series don't tend to do that as much (even if you think i'm wrong thats just the way it is, sorry). only series I like would be pretty much star wars and ones that are meant from the start to be a series, yet too often people make write one good story, it does well, and then they attach on some continuation and fuck it all up.
read enders game, really liked it. however i don't want to read the rest of the series; call me crazy but i think the book ended on a really great and thought provoking note and to keep going with that really just wouldn't do anything for me and would kinda ruin it. it seriously all tied together amazingly and while i understand how they can continue it (and obviously why, duh haha) it just wouldn't be the same as leaving it now.

LOVED Ender's Game. And while, I was told to stop reading after that, I read Ender's Shadow, which is kind of from Bean's point of view and really enjoyed that, too. It's worth it since it gives more detail on Bean, but keeps the style of EG.
No, but I'm tempted to get one every day.
For reading and for this:


3G + offers seems like the best buy

BTW: currently reading David Foster Wallace's Consider the Lobster. Great stuff (on a huge DFW kick lately, to support my hipster-cred, derek)
LOVED Ender's Game. And while, I was told to stop reading after that, I read Ender's Shadow, which is kind of from Bean's point of view and really enjoyed that, too. It's worth it since it gives more detail on Bean, but keeps the style of EG.
i would say if you only read one additional EG book it should most definitely be Ender's Shadow. Bean is 10x more awesome than ender, and its pretty much a companion book to EG as its the same events from Bean's perspective.

so, enemy242, IF thats your real name, read Ender's Shadow or be a jerkface!!
sorry, i guess i'm going to have to be a jerkface haha; i can't see that being interesting to me as i've already read it and the most interesting parts to me weren't about the training and whatnot, but were more the twists and the pseudo philosophical questions where he encounters the aliens etc and all of it leads up and whatnot. plus that kid was a punk haha
Picked up and read China Mieville's first two Bas-Lag books on vacation. Pretty good stuff, though occasionally a little over the top with the THIS AIN'T YOUR GRANDPAPPY'S FANTASY vibe. Also read Shane Macgowan's biography, which was a lot of fun.

I think i'm gonna reread some classic fantasy now - Tad Williams's Memory, Sorrow & Thorn "trilogy."