finally reading I, Robot and it's really fucking good. the movie was absolutely atrocious and i wanted to see how the book pulled off what the basic idea of the movie was (since i hadn't ever heard anything about the book somehow) and the fact that it's totally different is actually really badass and works in a completely different (and better) way.
other than that i've been reading books for my humanities - values and culture class which is seriously a joke to me. the teacher is a youngish woman who tries to identify with us and all that and a lot of the kids seem to pretty much be mocking it all. not only that, but the books are super over the top in terms of OMG EMOTION, CONNECTION, SOCIETY, PEOPLE and basically make me sick reading them (which is quite often since we read 150 pages per week at the minimum). i chose to lead a group discussion first since i wanted to get it over with and the other person in my group was freaking out cuz when we met up i just told her i was winging it, and that she should do her own thing, and it ended up where i actually got the class to discuss, got people kinda into it, made them laugh and she was stumbling over all her things and fucking up hella bad.
ended up getting a 9.5/10 for basically winging it off what i knew of the book (and i didn't even have a chance to read the last 50 pages or so but speed read and deduced the main ideas) and led the discussion better than those who prepared. pretty ridiculous.
tl;dr never read The Sheltering Sky, The Book Of Laughter And Forgetting and whatever else i'm going to read in my humanities class when i should be reading more fucking sci fi!