What band do you love but hate the singer???

FINALLY! I was waiting for someone else to say Mercyful Fate....and add King Diamond to that. Music and riffage is excellent...just that falsetto singing drives me craaaaaaaaazy. I managed to have a great at the live show a few months ago. but you can't turn off a live show. I've tried and tried listening to them but just wind up stopping the cd.
kittybeast said:
FINALLY! I was waiting for someone else to say Mercyful Fate....and add King Diamond to that. Music and riffage is excellent...just that falsetto singing drives me craaaaaaaaazy. I managed to have a great at the live show a few months ago. but you can't turn off a live show. I've tried and tried listening to them but just wind up stopping the cd.

Diotec said:
I'm with ya :cool: most of the way :grin:

Force Of Evil is quite refreshing for me since no King Diamond :Saint:


Hehehehe. I got bashed a lot in an extinct forum for posting the same opinion, I wish I had you by my side :lol:

And like Kit the falsetto is what pisses me the most, if he only sings with his standard voice (like in 'Blood To Walk') I would like MF and KD a lot more becuase the musicians are top line.

But again to each its own, those who really like those bands keep enjoying them ;)
Wyvern said:
I like Dream Theater and Blind Guardian and you don't see me complaining about the others' opinion.

One person blasphemy is another person religion and viceversa.

Indeed someones personal opinion is just that; a *personal* opinion. Live and let live thats the philosophy of this forum. :)
Wyvern said:
Hehehehe. I got bashed a lot in an extinct forum for posting the same opinion, I wish I had you by my side :lol

Better late than never right?!?! I was a scaredy-Kat and didn't want to have the bashing....a spanking on the other hand.......... :loco:
Hawk said:
Indeed someones personal opinion is just that; a *personal* opinion. Live and let live thats the philosophy of this forum. :)

Moreover the *personal* reflects that we are persons and therefore individuals not mass. I love to share in this forum with individuals, with their own beliefs, sometimes agree sometimes not.

Pretty boring will be a mass thinker with no identity :wave:

BTW, I had to add Kreator to my list :grin:
Wyvern said:
Moreover the *personal* reflects that we are persons and therefore individuals not mass. I love to share in this forum with individuals, with their own beliefs, sometimes agree sometimes not.

Pretty boring will be a mass thinker with no identity :wave:

BTW, I had to add Kreator to my list :grin:

And thus slagging one of my favorite bands!! :yell: :tickled:
Thanks a lot pal! :p
Hawk said:
And thus slagging one of my favorite bands!! :yell: :tickled:
Thanks a lot pal! :p

I knew you'll enjoy it :lol:

Actually I do like Mille's vocals in "Endorama" or "Outcast", but I'm not very fond of his voice in other albums.

And another band Sepultura
Alex78 said:
Control Denied

Jesus, I never thought I'd actually stumble upon someone who *doesn't* like Tim Aymar's voice... :hypno:
I consider him one of the best voices in metal ever, too bad he never recorded anything worthwhile other than that CD album.

Diotec said:
Force Of Evil is quite refreshing for me since no King Diamond :Saint:

FOE was a quite a disappointment for me, actually... :erk:
I expected something really kickass since Shermann and Denner are involved, but it was a letdown... It seems King is a glue between them. ;)
SickBoy said:
FOE was a quite a disappointment for me, actually... :erk:
I expected something really kickass since Shermann and Denner are involved, but it was a letdown... It seems King is a glue between them. ;)

Well it was the opposite for me :grin:
was actually quite impressed, still I have to agree King Diamond knows how to write some great music :flame:

SickBoy said:
Jesus, I never thought I'd actually stumble upon someone who *doesn't* like Tim Aymar's voice... :hypno:
I consider him one of the best voices in metal ever, too bad he never recorded anything worthwhile other than that CD album.

Same here. The reason I do like Control Denied (but not Death) is because Chuck (RIP) doesn't do the vocals.

And for the record Tim Aymar also recorded with Pharaoh

carnut said:
Well, there is a LOT of Black Metal bands that have superb music, but the vocals ruin the whole thing for me, just can't stand growling vocals of it....

I agree! ... I think Grave Worm and Omnium Gatherum have great music but I can only handle the vocals for about 2 songs before I have to move on! What a waste! IMO
ZoMb!M@N said:
Like what for instance? There's no way that "War Machine" or "God of Thunder" would sound BETTER with Paul singing............

Both songs are MAKE_UP era. He said NON-MAKE_UP era songs. Like "Lick it Up" "Heaven's on Fire", "Tears are Falling", Rise to It" etc.

Kind of Intersting concept! I have heard a live version of Paul singing "God of Thunder" when Gene's voice gave out which was cool. :rock:
rokk said:
I agree! ... I think Grave Worm and Omnium Gatherum have great music but I can only handle the vocals for about 2 songs before I have to move on! What a waste! IMO

Agreed, but I'd actually like it if they were actually lower and heavier. I hate listening to people howl with high pitched screams like hyena's.
ZoMb!M@N said:
Like what for instance? There's no way that "War Machine" or "God of Thunder" would sound BETTER with Paul singing............

Check out the version of Paul Stanley singing God of Thunder on the box set. It's really good. He WROTE God of Thunder.

Dream Theater, Blind Guardian, and Vio-lence for me too. I don't like Iced Earth with Ripper either.
Albeit Hatebreed's the epitome of the term sell out (the skinhead band who abandoned their views to sell records), I think Jamey is one of few things decent about that band. I can understand every word he says and it's a really good low grunt.