What band do you love but hate the singer???

Wyvern said:
Arch Enemy
Mercyful Fate
Grave Digger

I'll probably like them all if they got rid of their vocalists.

Wow! And I thought Johnny D was the cook around here but it looks to me like you know how to stir the pot. :grin:

I gotta agree with you on MF. Although I do like KD ok on Puppet Master. That's a fun disc. I like Udo quite a bit and Warrell is growing on me as of late. I'm actually looking forward to the new Nevermore.

I think lead vox can be more personal taste than any other place in a band. There are lots of vocalists whose ability I respect but whose style is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
The Who and any group of musicians that Bob Dylan hooks up with. Is there anyone, anywhere that likes his version of "All Along the Watchtower" better than Hendrix's? Nevermind the light years of difference in the arrangement...
Wheezer said:
Wow! And I thought Johnny D was the cook around here but it looks to me like you know how to stir the pot. :grin:

:lol: what can I say there just isnt alot of bands that I like with singers I dont Either I like the whole package or I dont ... That and I try really hard not to rag on Bands other ppl like ... with that said I have been Getting into Exciter Lately and must say That Dan Belheer(sp) is an Awful singer hahaha Great music but he almost ruins it
I love Saxon ,but ive always imagined Bruce Dickinson singing songs like Battle cry , Power and the GLory and Witchfinder General would really make those songs so much better than Biffs versions.
DAMN!!! An easy question for a change....

The poster child for the thread should be Black Label Society!!
Zakks a GREAT guitarist!! But man are his vocals fucking HORRIBLE!!

And a close second would be king diamond...Is is fucking neutered or what???
Fred B said:
I love Saxon ,but ive always imagined Bruce Dickinson singing songs like Battle cry , Power and the GLory and Witchfinder General would really make those songs so much better than Biffs versions.

I use to dislike Biff's voice, but now I can't seem to get enough :grin:

I can think of many examples, but the ones that stand out are:

Axl Rose Guns and Roses. Though they appealed to the "masses" and the lead vocalist is 98% of the reason popular bands get their recognition, I think the groove and style of the band could have lived without his annoying vocals.
Joey Belladonna Anthrax: That guy can't sing, even though the band was very entertaining live.
Bobby Takak: He is the "other" singer for The Goo Goo Dolls. He is absolutely terrible !! I guess it is from their punk days he still sings.

Bryant said:
Remind me to kick your ass next time I see you. Ha ha ha just kidding brother Vern. Everyone has different tastes.


I was wondering why you hadn't shoot me yet :lol: (see I'm not bashing the musicians, just the vox :cool: )

Wheezer said:
Wow! And I thought Johnny D was the cook around here but it looks to me like you know how to stir the pot. :grin:

Yeah I noticed, so much for friendly posting :cry:

zeppelin said:
Ooh, now the gloves are coming off :muahaha: hope you're referring to Derick Green here and not Max :)

It's Max sorry, I wouldn't touch Sepultura after "Arise" ;)

Oh and btw I LOVE BIFF VOCALS! :rock:
The saYer said:
motorhead has decent music, vocals make me not care though.

How it goes? Oh yes, blasphemy! :lol::p

I can understand your view, I love Lemmy vocals and considering how much i despise harsh vocals is a surrealistic situation :loco:
The saYer said:
motorhead has decent music, vocals make me not care though.

saYer I couldnt agree more!!! Motorhead is one of the best Live bands I have ever seen but I really cant stand to listen to em on album ... some select tracks and the entire "Everything Louder..." album!!!
well i dont hate finntroll's singer, but hes not my favorite. i love their music, but their vocalist really isn't horrible. its not as bad as most bands with type of singer....and for once i think it probably fits better than clean vocals would.

other than that every band i like i like the singer.
I just remembered another one; German speedmetal band Living Death, they had great music, but the vocals, ughhhhh....