What didn't you like about Deliverance?

Oct 13, 2005
First, i appologize since I'm sure this post has been made numerous times, but im a noob here and was quite curious to the question in the subject.

I personally find Deliverance to be an outstanding release. Better than Damnation, better than Blackwater Park and better than even Ghost Reveries. I guess I can't really give a valid reason as to why other than that it just really hits home to me. From the moment Wreath opens right to the closing moments of By The Pain I See In Others, the album totally blows me away. Although I must say I hated the album on my very first listen (Coincidently, I disliked every Opeth album on the first listen, not sure why.)

Most people seem to think it's their weakest album, I just don't see it. I'd say that Blackwater Park is their weakest, although by no means is it a poor album. I think BwP is awesome, just my least favorite of all their albums.

So back to the topic, what didn't you like about Deliverance?
I don't know if Deliverance is their weakest album, but its the one I listen to the least. For me it doesn't have a consistent feel through the whole album like the darkness of MAYH or the sorrow of Still Life. That's not to say it's a bad album, but I guess it comes down to what appeals to you in Opeth's music.
I have no problem with it.

It's a lot better than Ghost Reveries, which is still a great album.
I think part of the reason most people dont like it as much is because the production is really weak compared to the last couple of albums before it. Personally,though, I think Lopez has his best sound on Deliverance. His kicks sound like DEATH METAL kicks and it just plain works. I never liked his drum sound on any other album (esp Ghost Reveries, snare sounds kind of fake to me, not that it is mind you...)The distorted guitars on the other hand come off as really weak and thin compared to the aural onslaught and beefiness of BWP or Still Life.

For me personally, i think they had some good ideas in Deliverance that failed. For example, The first 4 sections of Wreath are easily some of their best riffs ever, I cant stress enough how great those riffs are (so freakin evil!) but then the song starts to drag majorly for like 6 minutes until it goes back to the beginning section. To me that was a major problem, too many dragging parts in their songs, it made it less enjoyable to listen to. Don't get me wrong, Deliverance is still a great album, but to me it just feels like its missing that special 'something' that made Still Life, BWP and MAYH so great to me.
The death vocals always bothered me. If I was told "Mike was sick during the recording of one album," I would have said it must be this one...not My Arms, Your Hearse. It sounds like he was having trouble with them (not sure why, Ressurection through Carnage has great death vocals). The lower ones were okay, but it seems like he just lost the higher screams. I honestly believe I would love the album much more if it had better death vocals (he sounds great on both Blackwater Park and Ghost Reveries...what happened?)

Really, the only songs I do not love are Wreath and By the Pain I See in Others. Deliverance, A Fair Judgment, For Absent Friends (one of the greatest depressing tunes ever), and Master's Apprentices all feel very solid. But the aformentioned tunes just do not keep me interested. Wreath is possibly my least favorite Opeth track (yes, below BTPISIO...believe it or not). The opening vocals annoy me, not just the sound, but the way they are done. It just feels boring. The riff is pretty bad ass, but I also get kind of bored with it. The repetition gets to me.
By the Pain I See in Others is just a little disappointing. Waiting in silence for the ending singing is kind of...eh, I do not even have a word for it...oh well. I love the opening of the song, totally love it. But then the transition does not do the beginning justice. I would have liked to have to seen some other approach...because although I enjoy the part, I do not like the flow.

I really do not hate Deliverance as much as many people say they do. Once again, if the death vocals were rerecorded, I think I would like them much more. I always keep in mind the stress they went though with the record. Even bad Opeth records are far better than most other albums out there today...so, it is not even like I really am hating on the release. If they had some time to work a few things out, I believe it could be fantastic.

Oh well.
Reclusive Strike said:
First, i appologize since I'm sure this post has been made numerous times, but im a noob here and was quite curious to the question in the subject.

I personally find Deliverance to be an outstanding release. Better than Damnation, better than Blackwater Park and better than even Ghost Reveries. I guess I can't really give a valid reason as to why other than that it just really hits home to me. From the moment Wreath opens right to the closing moments of By The Pain I See In Others, the album totally blows me away. Although I must say I hated the album on my very first listen (Coincidently, I disliked every Opeth album on the first listen, not sure why.)

Most people seem to think it's their weakest album, I just don't see it. I'd say that Blackwater Park is their weakest, although by no means is it a poor album. I think BwP is awesome, just my least favorite of all their albums.

So back to the topic, what didn't you like about Deliverance?
Just like I think Still Life is the weakest, they're all opines dude! :loco:
Actually, Ghost reveries what I heard of it was pretty bad too, so both those albums. Although, I have only listened to Ghost Reveries 3 times on-line, but the music just doesnt do anything for me anymore. The formula has gotten stale.
it's definitely missing something...I don't know what it is...I think it needs to involve a couple more songs. It isn't good as a 6 song album. I'm not into Wreath that much, some good riffs but overall that song isn't any special to me. The drumming's good though. I think it needs more clean parts? like finger picked passages, more of those....I don't know what it is.
deliverance is a great album, every track is awesome, wreath was a track a never used to pay much attention to but now i play it all the time, some great moments on that track:)
Deliverance is much stronger, musically speaking, than their recent opus GR. GR is good, but for some reason, I'm already bored with it. I keep coming back to Deliverence however. I love the production on it - it's totally in your face, and the drums never sounded better.
To repetitive and frankly boring (esp Wreath and Master´s app.). The only song that is a bit vaired and doesn´t have a 3 minute intro or outro (Deliverance, A fair judgement) is "By the pain i see in others" and that´s simply not good enough for an Opeth record.
Deliverence is a good record, but the production doesn't do justice to how heavy some of the songs really are. There's a lack of colour to the production, which sometimes blocks the full texture of sounds coming through, especially with the drums (Lopez's performance on the record is really something wouldn't you folks agree?)

Also, there's a lack of *overall* complexity on this record, and increase in repetition. Mind you, there are parts of songs which are furiously complex! (Hope this makes sense).

However, Mike's grim vocal performance on this record is outstanding (listen to Wreath and you'll see).

Deliverance has something "missing" though, it's hard to figure out what that could be though, the album is by no means a failure, hell it totally craps on the cheap toilet paper they produced with Ghost Reveries (which I might add, I still haven't bought and will wait for it to sit in a bargain bin for $10 before I do).
exactly, BTPISIO is the most creative and original song on deliverance. i won't say best, but definitely their most inspired one...