What do you do for a living?

I work full-time at music store, trying to sell crappy instruments to people who don't want them... (can you tell that I really enjoy my work?)

I've started a company with a friend of mine and we're (trying) to get a studio built and make it into a full-time occupation. Let's see..
Autoworker for the last 15 years. Specifically,


Oh yeah, before the bitching starts about bailouts, wages only account for 7% the cost of a new vehicle.. ...and nobody asked the bankers to take a pay cut for their bailout.
Finishing up my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in the spring - then off to Texas to work for a really big, really evil corporation that will have me doing oil well evaluations. Right now though I'm working part time as a CNC machinist being terribly underpaid to do work that is far above my pay grade.
I have a BA in history, but do nothing related to it, haha. Legal Assistant in the homicide squad for a local county Prosecutor's Office. I deal with witness relocation. I really can't stand it, but have only been there for 5 months or so. Quitting right now would mean indefinite unemployment for a good while, what with the shitty economy right now and everything. Not really sure what my next move will be - I've been trying to figure that out for a while. :-(

I was a slacker my last two years of high school, even though I maintained excellent grades, and paid for it when I had a real lax attitude going into college. Boooooo!

software developer last month of my education.
C#, C++, C, VB, JAVA, VBA, HTML, PHP, etc

but at work I'm always fixing problems with pcs software or hardware wise and I'm that guy who has to handle all rmas
I am graduated in law and worked in a governmental service that dealt with urban planning....however my contract ended 3 months ago and was not renovated. Since then i´m fockin unemployed.
Music is my hobby and although and i couldn´t wait to get home to play around with my toys when i had a job...now that i have the time i feel like shit and don´t even feel like playing guitar..............
2008 has been hard for me....losing my job meant i had to move to my birth town and at the same time i found out i have a baby on the way in 2009, so .....how do i make a living????? MAN, right now i live of my parents and the mother of my future child, which SUCKS, (i´m 30 now)!!!!!
Sorry for the rant but you know....i´m feeling pretty frustrated with the way my life is right now.
However, i take this post to wish u all a better 2009 than 2008 with health, JOB and lot´s of gear :)
I am currently in the field of sucking at life. I am an engineer and I tour a lot......well except for right now bc the economy blows balls.
I am mechanical engineer and I have been part of a team designing and building the prototype of a crane for a construction equipment company.

At night I am a ninja.
Studying Mechanical Engineering - a bit surprised to see a few others around here.

I have no intention of going to work in that area, not for me. I'm running my studio through the holidays, about to set it up as a company and am going to carry on with this route when I graduate.
Studying Mechanical Engineering - a bit surprised to see a few others around here.

I have no intention of going to work in that area, not for me. I'm running my studio through the holidays, about to set it up as a company and am going to carry on with this route when I graduate.

It's still a great background to have and you can most likely find a pretty sweet job if the funds are needed.

I always wanted to go into some type of engineering, but I never honed my math skills much in school.

Full time student of Music Technology (BSc gained, 2:1) in my honours year.

I also work as a technician and crew for ; http://www.o2academyglasgow.co.uk/

It's the second largest daily working venue in Glasgow (aside from the SECC). There are others that are larger which host events, but they are rare and far between.

In my part time I live engineer bands, and take them into the studio.

I've been known to do; live videos, studio videos, promo stuff, websites.

Still freaking skint and with too much time on my hands.
Full time computer ninja for the moment. Graduated this year in Bristol with a upper Bsc in Computer Science & Business, and working for Rolls Royce plc providing Network/FTP/VPN/VM ware/Anti Virus & Executive Scrotum Beating services when needed. Back to work on January 5th, SHITBAGS!
Yeah, its basically to fall back on. I chose it as its a really versatile degree and most city/finance jobs like it; which basically means if I'm not recording music as my job then I want to be earning the mega bucks haha.

Ah I hear you man. See I was the opposite. Instead of making a wise and informed decision (even if it didn't seem like it at the time), I chose a major in college that interested me, but that has NO prospects of good money. Also, nothing I would be remotely interested in doing. Haha, what a mistake. :)

Haha, well I feel like I made a mistake studying something I have no interest in and therefore have no motivation for. I'm thinking now I should have chosen something I was interested in so I could actually put in enough effort and get a better grade. Ah well, guess you can't win!