What do you see as a 'disgrace' to metal music? Why?

The tighter and more professional you sound live, the more accepted and convincing your studio work will sound. As a band you'll undoubtedly play in small, shitty clubs with the burned out, fat "sound guy" behind the board who will make you sound like shit if you leave it up to them...it's great learning experience. Graphic EQ's and compressors are magic for filling the room in different size venues, but everyone (over)uses them incorrectly for "tone shaping" -it's a tone filter causing more processing for the final sound on recordings...
Really? I would never have guessed because I don't know any engineers, producers or musicians who have recorded music.

Thanks, smart guy.
Yeah, asking a guy if he is in a band means that I must not know any engineers. That makes sense.
You really like twisting people's words, don't you? Some musicians don't really understand how to mic or the recording process (I don't have a strong knowledge of it at all) which is why I said he could be an engineer instead of a musician. Chances are he's a bit of both. I didnt phrase my previous post properly I guess.
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I had already considered the possibility, but I asked the question that I asked because that's the information that I wanted to know.

If he is in a band, I'd love to know more about it since I routinely talk to promoters, label owners, producers, bands and basically every other category of person that is involved in creating or performing metal music. I have a preference for talking to musicians since they're the ones primarily involved in the creative process.
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problem is the riffs, vocals, and composition in most modern tech death isn't great usually

modern tech death is certainly not on the level of atheist, demilich, gorguts, etc. when it comes to that
There are a few very good bands, but yeah most modern tech-death lacks good songwriting(especially now since most of the great bands have split up). Never lacking in the riffs department though.

And regrading production, i've always said it's not a make or break for me unless it completely broken and obnoxious(Panzerfaust). No one should complain about black metal that sounds like it was recorded in your parents basement on a transound tape deck. And no one should complain about modern tech-death sounding "over polished".
I think that the production on Panzerfaust is pretty funny because it's obnoxious but not unlistenable and I think that was the point. It's one of my favorite Darkthrone albums.
@Nate Skalman

You sound like you have a lot of experience with live performances. Are you in a band?
Im not currently in a band but I'm looking to start something serious...I've been in handfuls of short lived projects from shitty crust punk to core-metal varieties...I got good at making mediocre equipment sound good after years of playing live -trial and error...BEFORE home recording was affordable, or before I could afford nice gear. I'm no engineer by any means, and only play guitar, but have done a fair amount of recording guitar tracks with bands at home and in professional studios and can hear how home-recorded metal albums have trouble mixing with all digital processors and editing making it sound...well, digital and sterile.
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the vocals are WAYYY too high in the mix on that album.

I agree that they're overly loud, but I think that it's funny. Even though it's ridiculous, it still has a more dynamic mixing job than a lot of modern metal albums recorded at high-end studios.
Im not currently in a band but I'm looking to start something serious...I've been in handfuls of short lived projects from shitty crust punk to core-metal varieties...I got good at making mediocre equipment sound good after years of playing live -trial and error...BEFORE home recording was affordable, or before I could afford nice gear. I'm no engineer by any means, and only play guitar, but have done a fair amount of recording guitar tracks with bands at home and in professional studios and can hear how home-recorded metal albums have trouble mixing with all digital processors and editing making it sound...well, digital and sterile.

Thanks for the reply. Let me know if you manage to get a serious metal band going and I'll see if I can find you some free promotion if I like what I hear. :thumbsup:
What's a disgrace is money funneling in is so low that you have to go to huge "Summer Slaughter", and "Metal Misery" tours with 10 opening bands that sound lackluster live, or have nothing to differentiate them from the next act...If there were more money, there'd be more smaller tours to break it up and bands would have more incentive to put out continually better albums. American Idol style marketing and short attention span idiots who like that shit are pulling money away from the hard music scene ruining metal...
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Thanks for the reply. Let me know if you manage to get a serious metal band going and I'll see if I can find you some free promotion if I like what I hear. :thumbsup:
Will do!, I'm adding a small studio to my house as we speak. In a couple months I should at least have some songs to check out. Likewise, I know a few people...if you're in a band, I'd be glad to hear it and pass it around
I agree that they're overly loud, but I think that it's funny.
Yeah, but i dont think it was intentional. I don't think they were like "fuck yeah lets put the vocals so high that it just about crushes out the rest of the music" before recording. They've always had a "fuck it" mentality, but It just didn't work out with Panzerfaust imo.
Yeah, but i dont think it was intentional. I don't think they were like "fuck yeah lets put the vocals so high that it just about crushes out the rest of the music" before recording. They've always had a "fuck it" mentality, but It just didn't work out with Panzerfaust imo.

I don't agree with you, since the band had produced three of their own albums before that one and obviously understood how mixing worked prior to recording this one. The vocals are obviously an exaggerated parody of Tom G. Warrior and the production makes perfect sense in that context.

I'll agree with you that they fucked off a lot and were far from serious, but this seems pretty deliberate based on the fact that it was the band's fourth outing as their own production team.
Dont twist up my words, no one implied that they dont understand how mixing worked. Maybe you should go back and reread my last post. Anyway, what is it that you disagree on? That they clearly had a fuck it approach to just about all of their albums(inclduing the previous three you mentioned) or that they didnt go into recording that album with "lets have the vox crush out the rest of the instruments" mentality? I think they just said fuck it and went with it. And no one is talking about his vocal style here.

It's like you want to wash away the clear hiccups in the production for the albums and subgenres you prefer. It doesn't work that way.
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