What do you Sneapsters do as day jobs?

Been a solder tech since 2005, and before that a solder tech since 2000 for a different company. It's fuckin dreadfully boring, no windows in my office...:erk: The only cool is when I 'take a road' during lunch. :Smokin:
I am studying at the moment (marketing) and working as a half time
content manager for jingles and stuff like that (so listening to music
and writing what they sound like and stuff, working via internet from
my home, really nice).

I hope to work at a company that organizes events, concerts, has
a little lable for local bands and stuff, not sure if they want me tough :D
If this doesn't work I could work for a friend, he started a little graphic
and marketing company, so I would do the market researches and concepts.

Just one more semester and I am gonna get my diploma (writing about
the impact of changing logos or brandnames on the sale)

My girl studies sculpting so I hope that she gets pretty famous :D
I know some people have full time jobs here as audio engineers, but for those of us who dont, what do you day as a day job? I am a assistant manager at a skatepark. Best job ever other than audio engineering IMO. I get to skate for free, i now have flows coming from World Industries and Skull Candy cause of my job and i get 30 hours a week. What do you guys do for day jobs?


IT consultant (specialized in SAP) here. Pays the bills, and gets me to learn tons of useful stuff, but not my dream job fuck no (and i hate to wear them friggin' tuxedos !!!) :)