What do you think of Deliverance?

Best tracks: Deliverance, A Fair Judgement, For Absent Friends and Masters Apprentices. Wreath is okay and BTPISIO is OK but not really fond of those two much.
i think the combination of deliverance and a fair judgement is some of the best opeth you can here... combine those two songs and you have some super progressive music.
First Opeth album I ever bought. Bought it after hearing Master's Apprentices then Deliverance like a month later. Then after hearing songs like To Bid You Farewell and the album Still Life, I was super amazed and thought Deliverance was not as good. Then I later found respect for Deliverance for the atmosphere and the and the subtle technicallity, rather the more apparent technicallity in melodies and acoustic/riffs like on Still Life, and enjoyed it once more. I appreciate all things Opeth.
Well, Deliverance is my least listened to, and least liked... however a fair judgement is rather great... I don't know why I don't like it as much, probably because it was so different to other albums, aspects of it are great, but just not in total, for me anyways
good but repetitive to the point of annoying... plus that heavy ending of fair judgement isn't something i usually get beyond- so wrong!
Deliverance kicks ass....my 2nd favorite Opeth album behind Still Life of course..I used to just skip Wreath but now it's like one of my favorite Opeth songs after hearing it 223 times.
Deliverance in fairness has good riffs, but the production is so boring. its almost to perfect to listen to. its so stale and has no warmth. some of the riffs do drag on a bit, like most of wreath. i listen to the first riff on that and then skip the track if i ever find myself listening to deliverance. then quckily it reminds me 'why am i not listening to still life or MAYH?'