what gear do you want the most?


Jun 9, 2006
Guitarwise anyway, I want a caparison dellinger II SE, a prs custom 24, a 17th street DL custom, a randall mts series RM100M1 amp, & a boss GT-8.
1968 gibson les paul custom
1972 gibson ES335
1964 fender stratocaster in black over triburst.

1974 Marshall MKII super lead
1960s Fender Deluxe Reverb Amp
1960s maestro fuzz pedal
1970s Vox Wah pedal w/mods
1971 Gibson mandolin F5-G
Mesa Boogie Triaxis
2:90 Poweramp

Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
ENGL V60-loaded Standard Cab

Peavey 5150 mk1

Guitar-wise I'm quite happy with what I have. In terms of metal it's proven its worth time after time in recording situations. I wouldn't mind going for a versatile PRS Custom24 for the cleaner stuff.

Acoustic guitar wise, I'm not entirely sure. I lost touch with that market after I got my first electric. Would be great to get a high end Maton or Martin though. They've sounded quite good from what I've played.
I also hunger for a Triaxis and I will probably spunk some Christmas bonus on one if the flak from Mrs. heckelgruber isn't too intense.

A PRS Custom 24 might be nice, but I have a 1993 Ce24 which I love and I think they might be a bit too similar.

I also yearn for an expensive Ibanez or ESP 7-string, although I have more than enough on my plate learning 6-string.
Moonlapse said:
Mesa Boogie Triaxis
2:90 Poweramp

Mesa Boogie Triple Rectifier
ENGL V60-loaded Standard Cab

Peavey 5150 mk1

Guitar-wise I'm quite happy with what I have. In terms of metal it's proven its worth time after time in recording situations. I wouldn't mind going for a versatile PRS Custom24 for the cleaner stuff.

Acoustic guitar wise, I'm not entirely sure. I lost touch with that market after I got my first electric. Would be great to get a high end Maton or Martin though. They've sounded quite good from what I've played.

Taylors are a very very good guitar company for acoustics. Beautiful sounding.
^ hah good one :lol: I long for a PRS too because Opeth use them but simply because they showed me how versatile this guitar can be and for me, a guy with not-so-big income, it is crucial... Besides, this brand is almost unknown in Poland, the cheapest SE models were introduced only a couple of months ago without any great marketing campaign and probably if I didn't see Opeth use PRS, I wouldn't know such a brand existed...

Oh wait, I remember great fuss over the Tremonti model which was often referred to as 'the perfect guitar' but was not distributed because of legal problems... And that's about it!
^ well I've played one and wasn't very impressed but it was a very cheap model so no wonder... My dream is to have a custom but it's a very distant dream I guess
Well IMO the SE models are very decent guitars......of course nothing compared to a real custom PRS....but for its price it's a very good guitar.

I mainly love the PRS Guitars because for me they are soundwise perfectly between a gibson and a fender ("tweng") guitar......and its sound's so versatile

I also like Godin guitars a lot! John Mclaughlin plays one...they all have piezo pickups and two volume controls to mix the sound.
I have always wanted a Marshall amp. But there's no point in me getting one, my little 10W amp does the job and a big fuck off Marshall would never get turned up loud enough to make it worthwhile.
WHen I get a massive house out in the country I'll get a Marshall stack.