What has happened to Bodom?

Lady_Laiho said:
Woah, Satyr wrote every part!?

Yep. He did.

Lady_Laiho said:
What makes Alexi so special is becuz the guitars are already perfect to the max so if he wrote the keyboard parts that's even better. He really has an ear for melody.

But what about classical composers? They had to write parts for a myriad of different instruments but were able to create some of the most beautiful music ever to grace the earth. But yes, I do agree with you for the most part.
It doesn't sound that much faster. The main reason for him being out of shape would be that he's much older now and he drinks and smokes like a motherfucker.

Smoking + frequent use of lungs for 1hr+ = exhaustion.
<-Warheart-> said:
They don't speed up the songs.

I heard an audio of Bodom After Midnight. They played it so fast, I thought Alexi wasn't even going to be able to play it right. But he was able to pull it off pretty well. It was easily 15% faster than the recording.
Rock Hydra said:
I heard an audio of Bodom After Midnight. They played it so fast, I thought Alexi wasn't even going to be able to play it right. But he was able to pull it off pretty well. It was easily 15% faster than the recording.

Hmm, I suppose it's easier to speed up the slower songs (110-150 range) than the regular 190-200.
<-Warheart-> said:
Hmm, I suppose it's easier to speed up the slower songs (110-150 range) than the regular 190-200.

I don't think it was intentional...I read in an interview that Jaska basically controls the tempo, so just being anxious might have caused that.
Rock Hydra said:
I don't think it was intentional...I read in an interview that Jaska basically controls the tempo, so just being anxious might have caused that.

Yeah, I wasn't saying it was, I completely understand. Being a drummer myself aswell as a guitarist, I can say I've been responsible for playing songs too fast due to excitment and just really getting into it. Especially playing high tempo metal, you'd expect to play a bit faster because of the energy you get from the crowd etc.
<-Warheart-> said:
Yeah, I wasn't saying it was, I completely understand. Being a drummer myself aswell as a guitarist, I can say I've been responsible for playing songs too fast due to excitment and just really getting into it. Especially playing high tempo metal, you'd expect to play a bit faster because of the energy you get from the crowd etc.

Not accusing you of such, but if one doesn't make onself clear, things get easily misinterpreted by others around here. But to the point of your post...most definitely.
Yeah it's cool. A good example of this actually is when Dream Theater play The Glass Prison, Portnoy usually speeds up so Petrucci has to play those arpeggios using sweep picking instead of alternate picking like he did in the studio.
COB don't speed up the songs. If it was becuz they didn't want to play, then the stage show would probably be boring and they'd mess up some songs. Alexi's vocals are amazing. They are still really good. SO you noticed that Hate Me is differnt too? WHen i saw them live, i thought the song was really good. I was jamming out to hardcore to really notice it, but after a week, i tryied to remember how the song went and it really didn't sound like the cd. I think when they played, it was a little differnt.

Those classic composers may have brought on some beautiful music but as time goes on it gets tooken to a whole new level and it gets even better. The fact that Satry does the other instruments too is fuckin amazing. When i know that a musician puts so much passion into their music, it's even more enjoyable to listen to.
How can Alexi's vocals be amazing.. maybe they were amazing but now they really suck.. it's even more.. the long awaited DVD, i can tell you that you will get dissapointed cuz CoB can't sound well now.
They should play classic songs more, like Mask of Sanity, Bed of Razors etc.. and more emotional songs like Punch Me I Bleed, not songs like We're Not Gonna Fall that are simply forgettable.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
They should play classic songs more, like Mask of Sanity, Bed of Razors etc.. and more emotional songs like Punch Me I Bleed, not songs like We're Not Gonna Fall that are simply forgettable.

Although We're Not Gonna Fall is one of my favourites from Are You Dead Yet, I do agree about the Mask of Sanity thing, that's such a good song.
IMHO, people who post comments about Laiho's talent decreasing should try to place themselves in his position. First things first: finns drink. A lot. More than you would believe... I am finnish, I know this.
Second, the dude's been playing for years and he's got to keep himself interested enough. That takes development in the music, and it's the only way to survive in the long term.
Third, think for a sec what type of music it is he's playing, and then think about how he too has to make a living, meybe EVEN try to put something on the side for a bad day. It's not easy.

So it would make me happy to see this topic give the guy a break and show at least a little gratitude for what he done already.

Miss S
Miss Sinister said:
IMHO, people who post comments about Laiho's talent decreasing should try to place themselves in his position. First things first: finns drink. A lot. More than you would believe... I am finnish, I know this.
Second, the dude's been playing for years and he's got to keep himself interested enough. That takes development in the music, and it's the only way to survive in the long term.
Third, think for a sec what type of music it is he's playing, and then think about how he too has to make a living, meybe EVEN try to put something on the side for a bad day. It's not easy.

So it would make me happy to see this topic give the guy a break and show at least a little gratitude for what he done already.

Miss S
1) Austrians drink way more.
2) :zombie:
I obviusly can't hate CoB, i still love em for what they've done, but they commit stupid mistakes i think.. there are lots of singers of laiho's style.. and they should play more classics i agree.
For Dime alchohol was the influence not the drecreasing skill factor. And CoB chose to take the music to a certain level and i dont wanna hear anymore AYDY sux comments cuz if you got any problems with T,L n S We're Not Gonna Fall, Are You Dead Yet or even Living Dead Beat you can suck my left one. As far as Alexi's skill his instruction videos from now a days still show hes capable of anything, prehaps he needs to be inspired again or prehaps he started taking shots befor the show instead of just after but he'll get threw dont you guys worry. The Bodom Clans will be satisfied again one day, and we will all raise our glass's to CoB...I, unlike alot of fans here, have faith.:kickass: Hennka would never let the band go down the drain, in terms of loosing touch with the fans.
Wyld_Chyld666 said:
For Dime alchohol was the influence not the drecreasing skill factor. And CoB chose to take the music to a certain level and i dont wanna hear anymore AYDY sux comments cuz if you got any problems with T,L n S We're Not Gonna Fall, Are You Dead Yet or even Living Dead Beat you can suck my left one. As far as Alexi's skill his instruction videos from now a days still show hes capable of anything, prehaps he needs to be inspired again or prehaps he started taking shots befor the show instead of just after but he'll get threw dont you guys worry. The Bodom Clans will be satisfied again one day, and we will all raise our glass's to CoB...I, unlike alot of fans here, have faith.:kickass: Hennka would never let the band go down the drain, in terms of loosing touch with the fans.
Definatly agreed....
If you think Alexi can't play anymore you can do one of two things; bitch on the internet about ow bad they are, or just stop listening to it and leave in general.

I liked AYDY, and I loved the live shows COB put on the past year, but if you dont like it, thats cool, I don't care. Half my best freinds HATE metal in general, but they dont go online an waste time telling complete stangers how 'dissapointed they are'.

Its fucking music, don't like it? move on. Its all for fun, no one joins this buisness for anything other than Metal is FUN!

P.S.... Dude you promised me a beer at Blind Gaurdien :p
<-Warheart-> said:
I dont blame alcohol for the new direction of the actual music at all. Noone will know exactly why but I think it's just experiementing. Everyone says they've been getting heavier since Hatebreeder and this is just the next step.

People should just stop listening to them instead of making 1000 moaning threads 'cause it's fucking irritating.

i agree with you.