What has happened to Bodom?

Miss Sinester: I totally agree with you!!! Yeah, they changed so they can stay with what's happening to metal right now. It's really stupid how some people accuse them of being sell outs. If they stayed the same all the time, they're bound to run out of ideas and most of it would sound repetitive. Most of the people in my school didn't even hear of COB until HCDR came out. And with AYDY, it gained a lot of new fans. I loved the AYDY album and i know the dvd won't be dissapointing. Alexi's vocals in he past were amazing but it seemed like he sang less. Now he sings more with the melody and the songs are really catchy. But maybe, i'm just so in love with his voice that i don't care if it's good or not. The way it sounds just makes me turn on right away.

How can you not like We're Not Gonna Fall? I love it. I think they should play Mask Of Sanity still. The keyboards were excellent and overall it was just a really good song. I also think they should play Northern Comforts. I haven't seen that song live yet. The guitar solo was awsome.
Warheart: Yeah, his voice turns me on , but that's not what i meant. I meant that there's just something to it, that never makes me get tired of his voice. I can listen to him forever and it just feels really good like you can absorb every part of it. It's hard and raw. I like vocals when you can hear it really well and it stands apart from the instruments. And i don't play with myself you sicko. Quit telling me what you do after midnight.
I really like Alexi's vocals too but if you judge it on everything and compare to other vocalists, it's not as good as you'd think.
I don't like his Singing too much. I dont Hate them or dislike them, but its definatly nothing impressive to me. It fits teh music though.

why is this thread going?
^Same here. Maybe cuz i love him so much, i'll never hate the vocals but the way he sings just fits with the music. This is still going on cuz people have something to say about it.
CliffBurton said:
Definatly agreed....
If you think Alexi can't play anymore you can do one of two things; bitch on the internet about ow bad they are, or just stop listening to it and leave in general.

I liked AYDY, and I loved the live shows COB put on the past year, but if you dont like it, thats cool, I don't care. Half my best freinds HATE metal in general, but they dont go online an waste time telling complete stangers how 'dissapointed they are'.

Its fucking music, don't like it? move on. Its all for fun, no one joins this buisness for anything other than Metal is FUN!

P.S.... Dude you promised me a beer at Blind Gaurdien :p

Dude we got time until BG, and dont you worry. I can't properly sing along to the bards song in forest without a good 24 brews in me and some nice fat joints. Listen to metal, drink booze, smoke pot, for those who loves it...dont forget to play your godd damm instrument(and NO not THAT instrument).
Authentic Metalhead said:
I don't. Alexi becomes my favorite vocalist whilst I am listening to CoB. :)

Agreed his voice fits the music perfectly and i think his earlier vocals where very raw and now he has shown good progression with his singin. Kinda like Chuck(Death) when you compare scream bloody gore and leporsy to the last records
Authentic Metalhead said:
Indeed. I didn't like Chuck's early vocals much, though.

i think they fit the music very well, he couldn't have sang the early stuff with his older voice and wise versa so i think history worked itself out perfectly when it comes to the story of chuck and death.
How can u compare Chuck's vocals to Laiho's!!! Chuck is one of the best growlers ever...

Lady Laiho: his vocals haven't improved or changed... his vocals have clearly been wasted... because with Alexi's growling style, you WILL damage your throat and vocal strings.. and you will get your vocals wasted much earlier if you drink or smoke.

I know AYDY and HCDR sound well with the actual vocals, but the problem is when performing the old ones.

Chuck used pure stomach, that's why he didn't fuck up his voice and vocals.. the same for Shagrath.
The Bringer said:
I always, ALWAYS, laugh at the vocals on Something Wild. I think his vocals are horrible on the first and latest album, best on Follow the Reaper.
Agreed at SW...I don't mind the vocals on AYDYthough, I only dislike the fact you can hear the crappy lyrics easier :p
The Bringer said:
I always, ALWAYS, laugh at the vocals on Something Wild. I think his vocals are horrible on the first and latest album, best on Follow the Reaper.
hmm i kinda like his vocals.. i mean.. he absolutely did everything he could do with his vocals... i miss that now kinda.. :/