What has happened to Bodom?

chrisdoig24k said:
Yeah Hatebreeder and Something Wild were actually good albums, with music in them. I can't tell the difference between (almost) everything past HCDR and Slipknot...

I don't know if I agree with that, because Follow the Reaper was a huge step in the right direction for Bodom, I doubt anybody would argue with that.
"Follow The Reaper" was -and will always be- one of the best works of Children of Bodom... it' impossible to deny.
And then it's my their second favourite album, after "Hatebreeder"...
Sometimes, when I listen to a song that I like a lot, it happens that I feel...-how can i say?-.. a shiver, truly...
For example, a few nights ago: I was just relaxing, listening to some songs that I particularly love, and suddenly, a moment where there was a guitar-solo... I felt a shiver...
I think it's wonderful: you feel one whole thing with the music.... it's mere magician..... it makes me feel so alive....
I don't know if this happens to someone else.....well, anyway music is everything for me....
It's the first reason that prompts me to go on when I seem to give up, and for whichever reason....
┼Victim of the Night┼ said:
Sometimes, when I listen to a song that I like a lot, it happens that I feel...-how can i say?-.. a shiver, truly...
For example, a few nights ago: I was just relaxing, listening to some songs that I particularly love, and suddenly, a moment where there was a guitar-solo... I felt a shiver...
I think it's wonderful: you feel one whole thing with the music.... it's mere magician..... it makes me feel so alive....
I don't know if this happens to someone else.....well, anyway music is everything for me....
It's the first reason that prompts me to go on when I seem to give up, and for whichever reason....
that happens to me somtimes,but usally when its cold
inhe said:
stop being so emo!

emo? hahahah!! :lol:
by the way, if in your opinion "being emo" means to feel emotions... I don't care! I hate all these labels who people put on other people... puah!
I am what I am.... and I'm proud to feel emotions this way.... there are too many people who have ice instead of a heart.....

┼Victim of the Night┼ said:
I hate all these labels who people put on other people... puah!
I am what I am.... and I'm proud to feel emotions this way.... there are too many people who have ice instead of a heart.....

good point, I agree
I have finally found the reason of Bodom's change.
*Excerp from Alexi Laiho interview with Metal-Rules*
I heard that before…that you improvise your lyrics to some degree.
"Well, it's not improvised but in the past there are songs that are complete fucking bullshit…just nothing. The vocals are just an instrument in there and that's it. I think I did half of the lyrics before the studio the last time and the rest in the studio. The reason I did that is because I was so fucking pissed off and depressed the whole month of July. That was when Alexander told me he was gonna bail and I just got so pissed, so for that one month I didn't give a fuck about anything and just partied. I was just sitting around my apartment drinking and the people around me changed. So I was just partying all the time and I wrote some lyrics. That was actually a good thing because I've never done that before."
┼Victim of the Night┼ said:
what?! are you kidding, I think... ;) you would have nightmares every night of your life, I can assure you....

Please, don't say thing like that. I'm no joking now and I'm very serious, I believe what I say, every sinlge woman is beautiful. And if it's you on you avatar, I realy don't why you're saying this.

Well, to return on the thread, from the last... 3 month, I've stoped listenng to CoB because... I don't know it was just enough' for me and I wanted to listen to other things. But I've listen to some song recently and I relaized that: Children Of Bodom is the only band that give me all what I need to play the keyboard and the have a fucking helly fun on a stage. There's no other band that give me this feeling, even if (Ho yeah kick me in the nuts if you want) I find the keys a lil' shitty in Cob, there's too much fast playing and not enought technically things. But I think this is the think that gimme the emotion and the feeling that I want, to play.
Fetzer said:
Please, don't say thing like that. I'm no joking now and I'm very serious, I believe what I say, every sinlge woman is beautiful. And if it's you on you avatar, I realy don't why you're saying this.

Well, to return on the thread, from the last... 3 month, I've stoped listenng to CoB because... I don't know it was just enough' for me and I wanted to listen to other things. But I've listen to some song recently and I relaized that: Children Of Bodom is the only band that give me all what I need to play the keyboard and the have a fucking helly fun on a stage. There's no other band that give me this feeling, even if (Ho yeah kick me in the nuts if you want) I find the keys a lil' shitty in Cob, there's too much fast playing and not enought technically things. But I think this is the think that gimme the emotion and the feeling that I want, to play.

Well, thanks for having understood what I tried to explain. :)
Then, I'm happy that there is someone else who thinks like me about music.... but for me, indeed, beside fast playing, in CoB music there are also more technical things.....
And it's the same thing for me too: in this moment of my life , CoB's music is giving me more than all the others...
So, you are a keyboardist? ;) good thing, good thing...
Anyway, I am glad that you seem to understand what I said: I and my music (even if I haven't composed it) are laced very close....
Thank you....