What is it like in Sweden?


May 21, 2002
North Bethesda, Maryland
How is life there? What are the people like? Friendly? Is it fast paced? etc...
Fellas are the ladies pretty? What are they like? Are they down to earth?
I hope to visit one day but not anytime soon :( ...and I hope I choose the right time too...so I can get to see DT!

wow, you're really spamming the board with threads! :p (just kidding)

Life: Scandiavian social-democratic monarchy:)mad: ). people are a bit introverted in general, but i'd say pretty friendly. fastpaced i guess in bigger city's. Yeah, there are some hott chicks around.. :) how they're like.. hah i wish i knew :(
They're back. I'm wondering if Sweden really does have many hot death metal or black metal guys. If so I want to visit there...
Sweden is cold and depressing.

No wait.

That's Finland.
No... it's Canada.

and the guys are all stuck up or are not good marriage material. No offense to the ones on this board...

I want to leave.
DeepInMisery said:
wow, you're really spamming the board with threads! :p (just kidding)

Life: Scandiavian social-democratic monarchy:)mad: ). people are a bit introverted in general, but i'd say pretty friendly. fastpaced i guess in bigger city's. Yeah, there are some hott chicks around.. :) how they're like.. hah i wish i knew :(
nahh...I just think it's time for me to start posting in this board alot more...I am usually in the shadows looking at posts...I mostly frequent in the Nevermore forum alot...but I realised this one is really nice too...so you will be hearing alot more from me.

Tranquillian said:
Marriage is overrated. Unless you're religious of course.
why do you say unless you're religious? I'm not religious but I do want to get married and have a family one day...but then again sometimes when I think of it...I get scared. I dunno I guess I live in a dream world or something...hmm :confused:

I'll answer your other questions if you stop spamming around the forum ;) You don't have to post everywhere to be accepted.
MagSec4 said:
They live in huts and igloos
That's what they think about Canadians too. They also think I have a pet wolf. That would actually be cool though... "Here Anubis, maul the humans... yess".. Um, yeah.

metal17 said:
lol...what is your definition of stuck up?
Ignoring you if you're not "normal" and ignoring you even if you drop obvious signs you're into them. At least this is my opinion.

metal17 said:
I'm not religious but I do want to get married
Same with me. I also think marriage is under rated with all these divorces and couples living together.

I'm waiting until marriage until I do anything as it's a legal, law-binding contract that the guy's willing to care for me enough to sign. I also feel it's right for me to wait until marriage... as I don't give anything away for free. ;)
Tranquillian said:
You don't have to post everywhere to be accepted.
Yes you do.... oh wait, no. Posting about ways to dispose of corpses doesn't work...
Salamy: Are you in northern Sweden?