What Is The Rarest/ Collectable You Own?

I had one of the leather bound "Pump" cd's by AEROSMITH autographed by all five members when I had backstage passes for Binghamton, N.Y. in 1990. I sold it on ebay about 2 years ago because I'm not into them anymore. The rarest thing I have now is probably the very limited two cd version of PRAYING MANTIS "Captured Alive in Tokyo City".
These are only rare because they're not manufactured for this purpose, but I have drum heads signed by Celtic Frost, Saturnus, Symphony X, Enslaved, and Rotting Christ. They're cool to me.
Saturnus rules.
Did you get a chance to see them live last year?

I have their "Paradise Belongs To You" demo on cassette ... funny story:
- the band came down to the record store I worked at, having just picked up the demo from the printing place, and asked me if we would sell it for them. I said "yes", and put them out in the window.
- 2 hours later they came back and said "we've got a record deal - we want to buy our demo back".
- in the meantime I had sold 2 copies + 1 for myself.

I guess that makes it pretty "rare"? ;-)

Oh, and this morning I actually promised Justin (aka Mosquito) that he could have it since I won't bring it w me when I move.

- An LP version of Fates Warning's "Night on Brocken" with the original cover art

- Lillian Axe's "Love & War" original pressing CD

- Clockwork's debut EP (anybody even remember these guys?)

- 3 unopened copies of Shotgun Messiah's s/t LP (LOL! They were $0.79 each at Best Buy. My buddy and I bought all six copies they had, just to have them. I am curious to see if they have the stencil that came with the CD included, but I don't want to actually open any of them to find out!)

- Is Angra's "Reaching Horizon" demo on CD considered rare? If so, I got it!

I've also have 2 copies of the original pressed cd version of Lillian Axe's "Love & War", 1 signed by all the members except Danny King (didn't come out of the tour bus), and 1 in its original shrinked wrapped cardboard sleave.

I also have Gun's & Roses Appetite for Destruction with the original banned cover, which I believe is a Brazilian release.
Hrmm, not sure exactly how rare these are but I've got:

Mystere de Notre Dame - s/t
Dividing Horizons - Seizure
Sunblaze - Illuminating Heights
Carisma -1825
Cyclone Temple - Errors Building in the Machine EP
Deathwish/Original Sin - Edge of Damnation/Sin Will Find You Out (2 albums on 1 CD)
Digital Ruin - Listen
Exises - Reternity
Nocet - N
Virgin Steele - s/t vinyl

Non-metal wise I have a ton of Del Amitri singles on CD and vinyl from when I was in HS/college in my pre-metal days, including the vinyl Sticks and Stones Girl single off their obscure 1st album. Also have a second hand recording of their song Drowned on Dry Land that another fan sent me that they never actually recorded, just played on the radio once and occasionally bits of it live. Up until their last (and sadly not very good, imho) album I had everything they recorded either in original or via a mix tape, and they were quite prolific when it came to B-sides.
Probably not of interest to many on this board:

I also have various TROUBLE rarities:


TROUBLE:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock: very nice collection..
As far as music-related (but not actual music), my rarest is a unique item: I have the soccer ball used by Pain of Salvation to take breaks while recording "The Perfect Element, Pt. 1," signed by all the members. Fredrik brought it to me at ProgPower III.

Hehehe....so that he'd know I was the right guy to give it to at the show, he told me (via e-mail) to come up to him and tell him that I wanted the balls of Pain of Salvation. Funny guy, that Fredrik! :lol:

I don't have a lot of other "rare" CDs, vinyl, etc....I do have the PoS "Ashes" cassette single, but other than that....probably Zebra's second CD ("No Tellin' Lies"), on both vinyl and CD. I've only ever seen it once, when I bought it. May not be that rare, though....I dunno.

I have their "Paradise Belongs To You" demo on cassette ... funny story:
- the band came down to the record store I worked at, having just picked up the demo from the printing place, and asked me if we would sell it for them. I said "yes", and put them out in the window.
- 2 hours later they came back and said "we've got a record deal - we want to buy our demo back".
- in the meantime I had sold 2 copies + 1 for myself.

I guess that makes it pretty "rare"? ;-)

Oh, and this morning I actually promised Justin (aka Mosquito) that he could have it since I won't bring it w me when I move.


Cool story indeed.
I actually just got into them last year.
First heard about them when they did the minitour in Europe with Novembers Doom, in late 2006.
1. The Beatles - Yesterday and Today - Vinyl original cover with them wearing butcher smocks with dismembered dolls' parts all over them. Very un-Beatle-esque at the time!!
2. The program from the last time I saw Jimi Hendrix - 4/20/1969.

Chris :rock:
The rarest thing I have, which still isn't really rare, is Behemoth - Demonica, a 2-disc compilation of their old material with notes from the band, that is limited to 10,000 copies worldwide. Next time I see the band I plan on getting it signed.
Also forgot to mention I have KISS - DYNASTY on vinyl, autographed on front by Gene and Paul, and on BACK by Eric Singer and Bruce Kulick! :lol:

(Met the band on a promotional tour they did for ALIVE III)
I love these threads, it lets me show off some stuff that I have that I can't really show to people based on it being scattered about.

My most prized metal possession is my Annihilator - Phantasmagoria Demo Tape from 86 signed by Jeff Waters.
I also have a pre-Alice In Hell single cassette that is signed by Jeff as well.

Other notable mentions are:

Fight - Christmas Ride EP (only available to radio stations, two tracks, probably less than 100 in existance)
Fight - War of Words on white vinyl
Iced Earth - S/T on vinyl with the original banned cover
Iced Earth - Alive in Athens 5LP set, soon to be signed by the band when I see them at progpower/powerfest
Pre-Iced Earth Purgatory concert poster signed by everyone in the band except Jon, going to be signed by him soon
2 drumsticks used by Doc Killdrums at WoMD show at progpower (signed)
Symphony X - Paradise Lost vinyl signed by the band
Exodus - Another Lesson In Violence 2LP set (limited to 500 copies, mine is #144)
Gamma Ray - Space Eater/Heading For Tomorrow single vinyl signed by Kai, Dirk, and Ralf
Helloween - Walls of Jericho vinyl signed by Kai
A huge piece of a metal chair stage prop that Dr. Corpse used to beat the shit out of Bill with at the Impaler show where they opened for Twisted Sister here in the Twin Cities signed by the band
Guitar Hero guitar signed by Michael Romeo and Tim Roth, getting it signed by my guitar heroes (i know, lame, haha)
Demons and Wizards - S/T vinyl signed by Hansi
Primal Fear - Black Sun vinyl autographed by the band
Wolf - Evil Star vinyl limited to 500 copies worldwide
Queensryche setlist from this latest tour signed by the band
Nevermore setlist from TGE tour signed by band
Twisted Sister setlist

I think that is about it. I have some other stuff too, but I could write all day... I collect a lot of metal memorabilia.
