What is your favorite song of In flames???

Lunar Strain: In Flames
The Jester Race: December Flower
Whoracle: The Hive
Colony: Coerced Coexistence
Clayman: Only For The Weak
Reroute to Remain: Free Fall
STYE: In Search For I
Come Clarity: Pacing Death's Trail
Mirror's Truth EP: Abnegation
ASOP: I'm The Highway
SOAPF: A New Dawn ( well, this one is fucking amazing )
I can vouch for the theory that the majority of IF fans came after Colony/Clayman. But i still think there is nothing wrong with going backwards and enjoying the early albums- it's amazing to see where In Flames came from, how their work has evolved.

When we were saying how people don't react to the old shit (Artifacts, Jotun etc) when they play it on stage, and the crowd just become zombies... i can't see why the fuck they'd do it. I was a witness to that happening- Artifacts seemingly put the crowd to sleep! :guh: Okay, AotBR isn't my favourite pick on the old material by a long shot... but if they played Moonshield, Behind Space, Episode 666- c'mon they are classics! And you can just feel the energy in the song. The crowds should be tearing shit up when those songs hit! :kickass:

Zombie Inc. for Christ's fuckin' sake!! Do they even play it nowadays?? If not- then why not? It'd make they look godly! The crowd would be like this>>> :notworthy

Delight and Angers anyone? :Puke:

I've heard Zombie Inc. live :D. Also, Satellites and Astronauts, Insipid 2000, Graveland, Artifacts of the Black Rain, The Jester Race, Dead God In Me, Only For the Weak. Still never heard anything off Whoracle though :(


Fuck youuuuu
I think Swim is the weakest on Clayman because I feel that it has too much of an up-beat riff. I don't mean up-tempo, I mean it seems too happy compared to the rest of the album. Know what I mean? But anyway, Satellites and Astronauts is just amazing. I'd say it's a tie between that and ...As the Future Repeats Today. But the beginning of the second verse in S&A is crazy good. "Make me feel like a man, A silent cry from the middle of hell", the clean guitar that goes with this?!?! It has this echo and feeling of being in the middle of hell by yourself. Ridiculous.
I think Swim is the weakest on Clayman because I feel that it has too much of an up-beat riff. I don't mean up-tempo, I mean it seems too happy compared to the rest of the album. Know what I mean? But anyway, Satellites and Astronauts is just amazing. I'd say it's a tie between that and ...As the Future Repeats Today. But the beginning of the second verse in S&A is crazy good. "Make me feel like a man, A silent cry from the middle of hell", the clean guitar that goes with this?!?! It has this echo and feeling of being in the middle of hell by yourself. Ridiculous.

You just earned mega points with me bro, almost makes up for you liking Bottled :D

I don't see how somebody can dislike S&A. It's just epic, in every sense of the word. One of the most emotional solos I've heard.
You just earned mega points with me bro, almost makes up for you liking Bottled :D

I don't see how somebody can dislike S&A. It's just epic, in every sense of the word. One of the most emotional solos I've heard.

Again- i have to disagree. The solo isn't memorable in the slightest. I also dislike the outro of S&A. It's just jangling guitars fading out, slightly monotonous like the rest of the song. Crucify me if you will, but give me Jester Script Transfigured anyday- i mean c'mon: guitar solos over the outro melody. F.U.C.K.I.N.G E.P.I.C :notworthy
Again- i have to disagree. The solo isn't memorable in the slightest. I also dislike the outro of S&A. It's just jangling guitars fading out, slightly monotonous like the rest of the song. Crucify me if you will, but give me Jester Script Transfigured anyday- i mean c'mon: guitar solos over the outro melody. F.U.C.K.I.N.G E.P.I.C :notworthy

I love JST, one of the best songs ever... but man, your opinion on S&A saddens me greatly :D you're lucky I've taken 4 ibuprofen and am feeling a bit mellow :D
I love JST, one of the best songs ever... but man, your opinion on S&A saddens me greatly :D you're lucky I've taken 4 ibuprofen and am feeling a bit mellow :D

:rolleyes: I just really don't see the appeal of S&A (dude, we need a seperate thread for S&A discussions!!). What Jester313 was saying about the imagining of being stranded in 'Hell'- i just don't feel that at all. The acoustics feel too flat, and the riff doesn't it to mind either.

I really like the image in this video- i think the emptiness of space suites S&A's atmosphere moreso.

Discover me like Emptiness also brings to mind the vast darkness of deep space. I love it when In Flames create these amazing atmospheres- they are one band that are distinct in that respect! IFWT!!
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Jester313[/I] was saying about the imagining of being stranded in 'Hell'- i just don't feel that at all. The acoustics feel too flat, and the riff doesn't it to mind either.

I really like the image in this video- i think the emptiness of space suites S&A's atmosphere moreso.QUOTE]

Well, that's unfortunate that you don't feel that because I think it's perfect. But, it is good that you feel similar things when listening to other IF songs, because they really do write great music that captures the essence of the lyrics a lot.

The "nu" fans have no fucking excuse. Even ASOP has been out 3 years, that's plenty of time to go into their back-catalogue and realise how much better Colony/Clayman is. I don't give a shit about this 'opinion' bollox, I'm laying it down as it is, it's as true as true can be.... if you genuinely prefer STYE or ASOP over Colony or Clayman you fucking suck. So it was written, and everyone who isn't an asshole saw it was true :D

It might be interesting to point out that this speaks to the crowd that In Flames attracted with their material after Clayman. I think if you took a band like Dark Tranquillity, you'll find that fans who entered post-Damage Done are much more familiar with their back catalog, whereas In Flames fans post-Clayman tend to confine themselves to the more recent, "poppier" albums. It's sad to say, but most In Flames fans are casual listeners.

Personally, I think In Flames only pandered egregiously on R2R (it was the starkest change in sound and had to date the most full blown clean vocals and simplified riffing; that coupled with the sudden need to coordinate outfits and change the logo). After that, I think it was about finding a happy place between the new "poppier" sound and their more metal-oriented sound.
STYE was their most blatant attempt at entering the American pop/nu-metal market. Not even a debate really, just listen to it :D but R2R was certainly the beginning of that process. Come Clarity was, IMO at least, their main attempt to fuse the two. They went badly off track with ASOP before once again trying (perhaps successfully) to combine the two again with SOAPF.
Final_Vision, you mentioned them changing their logo on Reroute, which is true. But they first changed their logo on Whoracle. If you look at their history, they pretty much have changed logo (or font) every 3 albums. Lunar Strain, Subterranean (I'll count it because it is a full EP, and their closest thing to another album), and The Jester Race had the same logo, then Whoracle, Colony, and Clayman had the same one, then Reroute, STYE, and CC had the same (pretty much the same font on them), and now we have two albums with this new logo.
That's true, but they have generally signified new phases in the songwriting (whether intentional or not). My point was that they simplified the logo as (perhaps) a new attempt at marketing the band. I think it's hard to dispute that they tried to be more marketable with R2R (the whole dressing the same thing), particularly with the songs geared more towards big choruses and hooks. That's all I was saying.

Point well taken, though.
That's the problem bro, people don't react like that, even to songs as awesome as Zombie Inc. The majority of the crowd are poser-metal assholes and as soon as they hear a real riff they stand there frozen with fear, wondering why Anders isn't singing like "feeling like shit" or "Drowning monsters" anymore and trying to hold back the tears :D

Seriously, I was sickened to see the crowd reaction to the TJR/Whoracle stuff when I've seen them live.

It's In Flames' fault for pandering to that crowd, but it still sucks.

Couldn't have said it better myself! :worship:
Lunar Strain: Clad in Shadows
Subterranean: Stand Ablaze
The Jester Race: Graveland
Whoracle: Morphing into Primal
Colony: Colony
Clayman: Square Nothing
RTR: Minus
STYE: F(r)iend
Come Clarity: Take This Life
ASoP: Disconnected
SoAPF: Where the Dead Ships Dwell
Its really sad seing them play the same fucking songs over and over...i mean its always the same setlist, the "hits" from each record starting from R2R.

And that shitty excuse of "people not moving to older songs" its fucking stupid, people doesnt move because hardcore IF fans are the minority at the live concerts...most of the people there are casuals who only know In Flames "hits". But i dont care, if they dont want to play older songs its their choice.

But, if you are going to play new songs...DONT PICK ALWAYS THE SAME FUCKING SONGS!!!
¿Is it so fucking hard to play any other song from R2R than Cloud Connected or Trigger?...same with STYE,CC and ASOP.

I swear that if the next time i see IF live they play Cloud Fucking Connected again im going to punch them in the face.
So, according to last.fm these are the top 20 most popular In Flames tracks in the last 6 months...

1. Take This Life
2. Come Clarity
3. Cloud Connected
4. Only For The Weak
5. The Quiet Place
6. Dead End
7. Trigger
8. Reflect the Storm
9. Leeches
10. Crawl Through Knives
11. Alias
12. Scream (?!)
13. The Mirror's Truth
14. My Sweet Shadow
15. Vacuum
16. Pinball Map
17. Bullet Ride
18. Delight and Angers :guh:
19. Disconnected :guh:
20. I'm the Highway :guh:

Let's see how this looks now, 9 years on...

1. Only For The Weak (+3)
2. I Am Above (new)
3. Cloud Connected (-)
4. Take This Life (-3)
5. Alias (+6)
6. I, the Mask (new)
7. Trigger (-)
8. Deliver Us (new)
9. Come Clarity (-7)
10. The End (new)
11. Call My name (new)
12. Voices (new)
13. (This is Our) House (new)
14. Pinball Map (+2)
15. The Quiet Place (-10)
16. Clayman (Rerecorded) (new)
17. Burn (new)
18. Clayman (new)
19. Bullet Ride (-2)
20. Crawl Through Knives (-10)

... for some reason The Jester's Dance is 21st :D

ASOP has completely fallen off the map. It had four songs in the list back in 2011, but only one nowadays. As for the songs that dropped off 2011's list...

Dead End (28th), Reflect the Storm (30th), Leeches (49th), Scream (70th, lol), The Mirror's Truth (34th), My Sweet Shadow (25th), Vacuum (73rd, ouch), Delight and Angers (36th), I'm the Highway (48th), Disconnected (59th).

So, Come Clarity and ASOP have seen some pretty big losses. STYE was never that popular to begin with. As far as I can tell Jester Race & Clayman have for whatever reason gained in popuarlity. Clayman probably due to the reissue. TJR... not sure. Probably worth noting there are probably a lot less people using last.fm now than there were 9 years ago :D I haven't used it since... 17 June 2018? OK. Must have been by mistake.


Last.fm doesn't appear to do album rankings anymore, but the top 4 most listened to in the last 7 days are:

I, the Mask
Come Clarity
Reroute to Remain
In July 2020, these were the top 20 In Flames songs listened to on Last.fm in the past 6 months...

1. Only For The Weak (+3)
2. I Am Above (new)
3. Cloud Connected (-)
4. Take This Life (-3)
5. Alias (+6)
6. I, the Mask (new)
7. Trigger (-)
8. Deliver Us (new)
9. Come Clarity (-7)
10. The End (new)
11. Call My name (new)
12. Voices (new)
13. (This is Our) House (new)
14. Pinball Map (+2)
15. The Quiet Place (-10)
16. Clayman (Rerecorded) (new)
17. Burn (new)
18. Clayman (new)
19. Bullet Ride (-2)
20. Crawl Through Knives (-10)

... for some reason The Jester's Dance is 21st :D

Let's see where we are in March 2022.

1. Only For The Weak (-)
2. Cloud Connected (+1)
3. I Am Above (-1)
4. Take This Life (-)
5. Alias (-)
6. Trigger (+1)
7. The Quiet Place (+8)
8. Come Clarity (+1)
9. Deliver Us (-1)
10. The End (-)
11. Stay With Me (new)
12. Pinball Map (+2)
13. The Jester's Dance (+8)
14. My Sweet Shadow (new)
15. Bullet Ride (+4)
16. Clayman (+2)
17. Delight and Angers (new)
18. I, the Mask (-12)
19. Metaphor (new)
20. Ordinary Story (new)

Not much change in the top six. I Am Above continuing to perform the strongest from I, the Mask. TQP having a resurgence up to 7th. Stay With Me coming in as second most popular I, the Mask track. The Jester's Dance randomly coming in at 13th - wtf? :D My Sweet Shadow back in the top 20. Clayman (Rerecorded) replaced in 16th by the original Clayman which is always good to see. Fuck the rerecordings. I, the Mask with the biggest drop in the top 20, down 12 places. Metaphor making an interesting jump into the top 20, with Ordinary Story sneaking in at the end.

As for the tracks that have fallen out of the top 20...

Call My Name - down to 26th
Voices - down to 28th
(This is Our) House - down to 38th
Clayman (Rerecorded) - down to 108th, lol, people realised this was a piece of shit really fast.
Burn - down to 39th
Crawl Through Knives - down to 32nd, however for some reason this is split on Last.fm into "Crawling Through Knives" (in 32nd) and "Crawl Through Knives" (in 111th). Apparently for some reason most people have this song tagged incorrectly. Combine these two and Crawl Through Knives would actually be in 16th, pushing Clayman down to 17th, Delight and Angers down to 18th, I, the Mask down to 19th and Metaphor down to 20th. Ordinary Story would fall off the top 20.
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I think Swim is the weakest on Clayman because I feel that it has too much of an up-beat riff.

You just earned mega points with me bro, almost makes up for you liking Bottled :D

Wow, hard disagree with both you guys. Swim the worst song on the album because it’s too happy? WTF? Swim is the BEST song on the album because of the upbeat riffs.