That's completely fair, I hope I didn't misconstrue anything there. Admittedly, I'm one of the only people on Earth who would die on the hill that is defending Anders' vocals as actually being good, but I would absolutely say that he even had a stronger performance on STYE and Siren Charms.
The remaster sounds ever so slightly sharper, and it cuts down slightly on the compression. I would absolutely agree that Clayman is one of the best produced and mixed melodeath albums, if not the best, but there's definitely a compression issue (Which is seriously present on all In Flames works after Subterranean) due to everything being so loud. The issue I have with the remaster in that regard is that instead of turning any of the individual elements down to actually reduce the compression, Ted Jansen took the easy way out and just lowered the master track slightly- At least as far as I can tell. If you ask me, I think The Jester Race is the album (If they really want to go with a classic album) that needs a remaster the most, and it's the only one with as good of a reputation with old fans as Clayman. But no, because Clayman is so well-regarded by fans both production-wise and composition-wise, the label sees moneybags and remasters that instead. It's one of the most idiotic decisions I've ever seen, but I'm sure it worked out since there are still the few fans (Who still likely number in the thousands, and thus likely rake in enough profits because there was such little effort put into anything aside from the art and producing the physical copies like the CDs and vinyls) who defended it anyways.
I despise the people who say "Oh, the originals still exist, so it's fine!". Bullshit. Sure, they exist, but it's symbolic of the kind of attitude that the label and the engineers have, and it takes advantage of the band because it's blindingly obvious that they didn't want to do it just based off of their history. I mean, shit, there's a reason they only re-recorded the songs they actually played live- They're the most popular, and the re-recordings were made just to approximate the modern live sound. But even then, the re-recordings showcase that the engineers involved don't understand a goddamn thing about the sound nor the history of melodeath. It's a fucking miracle that "State of Slow Decay" actually sounds as good as it does. Yes, the originals exist, but it's insulting to every fan of the band as well as the band themselves because it completely pisses on the band's history, compositions, and contributions to industry when it comes to the originals as products and as art. That's all. Fuck this shit.
Also, I made an edit to my favorite song post, but I'll say it here too. I'm changing my answer for Siren Charms to "The Chase". I genuinely have no idea how I forgot about it, but it's at such a high caliber compared to everything else from the album that it's not even funny.