What kinda girls do you go for?

I'm not picky. As for physical attraction, I'd pick someone who is cute rather than hot any day. Personality, well I seem to like the shy ones, but friendliness and uniqueness is how I roll. Don't care too much about "clique"
i actually face-2-face know 2 different guys that masturbate instead of having sex
amazed that you had the balls to admit that kind of thing

This is the internet. If you met me in real life I'd get defensive, raise my voice, and say "OF COURSE I HAVE, I GET ALL THE POON I WANT, DAMNIT".
well, to be honest I dont know why you say "what kind of girls metalheads are attracted to", because Im not a perfect guy, my last girlfriend wasnt metalhead and anyway she was with me-a skid thrash maniac. I dont know...maybe i was lucky, but I think then are not a type of girl, every womar are special somehow
I always go for the girls no one likes!

-Do you think im ugly?
-No, but im used to low standards.
Bullshit. The only posers are the ones that think they're better than the rest because they think the rest are posers.

As for the question: I could basically like any kind of girls. Doesn't really matter if they're metal or not. The inside is more important than the outside (ok, they should not be really fat or anything, and I prefer girls without anorexia too).

You clearly don't know many chicks that are into metal. Most of them are dumb bitches who don't know whats what. No offense to the women that are on this forum; I don't mean you.
the two most important things for me are a woman who can enjoy herself doing anything and woman who knows how to have a reasonable intellectual debate. As for looks, I need wide hips and a small nose, short hair but not like lesbian short, and bright eyes. Also not liking metal is a deal-breaker for me.
I go for gamer girls or scene/emo girls that don't have that retarded mentally ill personality (its rare i know)
i think all what a metal head really wants is a girls who loves metal. when couples both love the same music. a magical things happens. i remember my first was a metal head. my second liked... i dunno, crap? my gf now who i have been with for 16 months literally loves the same music as me. oh as long as you dont look too colorful too. metalheads dont like color. we wear dark colors lol. ive met some preppy looking metal heads like u tooo. but then they attract guys whose favorite band is blink 182 ( which isnt a bad band by any means), which is not metal. oh and if u play an instrument, its pretty awesome. my girl plays bass and nothing turns me on more than when i watch her play.
these r my personal opinions.
but if u arent a bitch or anything and u like metal. if i was single and knew you, id totally go for you. do u like skin heads? lol