What may be DT greatest song

I'd say Punish My Heaven, Indifferent Suns, A Bolt of Blazing Gold, Mind Mattters and Mine is the Grandeur....

The probelm is there are definetly a lot of great songs to have a best one hehe :p :headbang: :worship: :kickass: :headbang:
The easiest way to do this is to pick a few from each era. For me, the earlier stuff would be:

Insanity's Crescendo
Mine is the grandeuer...

Of the newer stuff it would be:

The Enemy
Hours Passed in Exile
Too hard to try and pick one, but in the two-cd cycles (don't have skydancer) and at this exact moment in time, these are my favorites:

Lethe - (gallery/mind's I)

Fabric (yes, fabric) - (Projector/Haven)

The Endless Feed - (Character/Damage Done)
Impossible question... but if I must!

Insanity's Crescendo followed closely by Hedon. My love of Hedon was amplified somewhat after seeing DT play it live in Sydney. Whole croud chanted "hedon" along with the band, was an awesome experience. Can't think of a single band that could top that.
hey - it sounds as a loaded question. "What may be DT greatest song" and not "Which may..."anyway my answer is- every DT song that makes me feel good, wake up feelings in me and gives me inspiration