What Should I Do? You Make The Call...

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
Last night I was minding my own business and I made eye contact with
this woman in the store. But I minded my own business.
I ran into her outside. She initiated communication with me and flirted with
me. I paid her no mind but we kept on talkin' and the flirting kept on
and there's been a number exchange. She's in my age range and she's
a firecracker ; -) for sure, and she made it quite clear what she wants
but I dunno what to do because she's married.

I'm kind of conflicted because I don't like "going into another man's yard"

but, like my friend Ed says, "if not you, it'll be somebody else, so why
not you?"

What do you think?

Do I do or don't I?

It's not a very nice thing to do. Let her be a ho, you don't have to get into shit like that. If she's messing around with you, she's most likely messing around with other men. If you don't care about sloppy seconds or how much that chick gets banged, then by all means.... Personally I would feel much too guilty about doing anything with a married man, and I would certainly question his morals, obviously, and wonder how many STDs he has. Watch out for your thingy, there.
OfficerNice said:
My grandmother used to say "if you words no good, you're no good"
but she's dead now. You're the voice of reason on this issue. Brave.
I'm sure she's prolly messed around before or is now, but hell, and I'll
be honest, I've had girlfriends who've done the same to me.
I'd like to retain my principles, but in this world it makes no difference

So you think I should question her morals and if she's got a case of
the creepy-crawlies and if she's choosing me does that mean she's
choosing me because I'm a damn sexy bearded man or I'm a damn
fool and any damn fool will do?


That's pretty much it. You can go with the mentality of "a fuck is a fuck" of course, I've thought that before myself. But not with a married man who just walked up to me somewhere and propositioned me, it sounds really off. Basically it sounds like "Hi I'm a married woman but if you'd like to put your penis in my vagina or any other orifice I might have, here's my number!". You'll do what you want no matter what anyone says, but I'm just giving my opinion cos I like the sound of my own.....typing. Yeah.
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hey officer you do what you think is right but steve has a point you gotta be careful with that kinda shit, can lead to trouble :p

also, i have come to the conclusion that blackwater is very fond of the word "thingy" :D
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NoLordy touches no woman that another man has claimed, because he himself would injure the man if he touched his woman, no joke.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Penis sounds too clinical. The "slang" terms sound rather vulgar coming from a female (out of the bedroom dirty talkin situation). What do you prefer? Whatchamadoodle?
i would prefer you saying cock mwuhaha
but i myself would prefer boobies

and officer.......yea with the consequences i would say its not worth it
but what do i know im a kid
Fuckstick, love muscle, third leg, wang, mating pole, cream filled hot dog, pelvic handlebar...