What type of JEEEOOOOORRRB do you have?

I feel your confusion. I've been at university for 5 years and starting to believe that in general, the more education you have, the worse your job is going to be.
Correction: the less interested you are in your career (or career path), the worse your job is going to be.
I mostly do landscaping, as I'm a mere high schooler entering college in a few weeks. It's a great job, I don't need to deal with asshole micro-management and I just...dig, plant, rake, mulch, mow, weed whack, cut trees and shit all while listening to music. A lot of my work is for people who own horses and the best days are ones where I get to ride around on a beast Kubota for 6 hours mowing huge pastures and then weed whack for three more around the fences lol...it might not sound all that fun but I really enjoy that.
I mostly do landscaping, as I'm a mere high schooler entering college in a few weeks. It's a great job, I don't need to deal with asshole micro-management and I just...dig, plant, rake, mulch, mow, weed whack, cut trees and shit all while listening to music. A lot of my work is for people who own horses and the best days are ones where I get to ride around on a beast Kubota for 6 hours mowing huge pastures and then weed whack for three more around the fences lol...it might not sound all that fun but I really enjoy that.

Yeah, as far as basic/menial jobs go, landscaping seems like one of the nicest -- outdoors, with lots of open space, the smell of fresh grass and soil, and very little human interaction involved.
Hmm... quite a broad, undescriptive generalization you just made there. Feel free to elaborate.

I don't know if I can. It was meant to be a broad generalization. I have looked into a number of possible career paths I could go into and none of them have really appealed to me, even though I am very interested in the subject matter I have studied.

It's just a feeling I've had for a while. I hate the idea of being reliant on a career, and having to plan 30 years ahead to my retirement. I'd rather be living 200 years ago at a time when one could be more or less free from the tyranny of government and live off the land doing what I wanted to at the time. I don't want to be forced to have an income to pay my taxes or even to be able to survive.
why the fuck do people have such a glorified view of past times?

god sakes, your life is 1325032050235200x easier than people 300 or 400 years ago. You want to live your life having to work 10 hours a day 7 days a week doing manual labor (no matter how shitty the conditions are) so you can go home to a small shack with very little food, no air conditioning, nothing. If it's negative 80 degrees in the winter, your ass is freezing all night.

There is no and there was no "good ole times". Living in 1800s or 1900s was fucking miserable compared to our times.
I'm doing freelancer work as a typist/transcriber of university lectures in English. Often I'm asked to correct other people's works which sucks immensely, since most of them don't ever use headphones and know fuck all about spelling. Hopefully I'll be getting some translation work from the company soon which is less stressful and pays better.
why the fuck do people have such a glorified view of past times?

god sakes, your life is 1325032050235200x easier than people 300 or 400 years ago. You want to live your life having to work 10 hours a day 7 days a week doing manual labor (no matter how shitty the conditions are) so you can go home to a small shack with very little food, no air conditioning, nothing. If it's negative 80 degrees in the winter, your ass is freezing all night.

There is no and there was no "good ole times". Living in 1800s or 1900s was fucking miserable compared to our times.

i'd much rather have my freedom than all the comforts the modern world has to offer. but thanks anyway

my point is if I didn't want to work 7 days a week i didn't HAVE to. now if I want any kind of decent job, it's automatically an 8 hour per 5 day week wearing a suit and having a neat haircut. and i would at least like to be able to see sunlight other than only on weekends.
my point is if I didn't want to work 7 days a week i didn't HAVE to.

and if you didn't work 7 days a week, you would probably starve to death you idiot.

People in 1700s worked 70 80 hours a week so they could fucking survive. They didn't have a choice of when to work or not. It was either go out there and do 12 hours of back - breaking manual labor in HORRIFIC conditions or my family is going to starve tonight.

and you're fucking complaining about working 40 hours a week in an air conditioned building doing easy as hell office work, then going home to a comfy house with all the food you would ever need.

you (and other people as well) need to stop having such a fucking ridiculously glorified view of past times.
So I've got two jobs:

1. Preject maneger in the advertisement agency, where I also do some design work too. 9.30-19.00
2. Movies translating - from english and russian into ukrainian. I do this work at home.
Not really.
But I just startred working there. When I'll becom more skilled in that shit - I'm going to ask for more.