What type of JEEEOOOOORRRB do you have?

I think your points are silly. It's not like people in past centuries could wander around not working if they wanted to survive. Not to mention to diseases and poor medical care that you would have to deal with.

idiots with their "grass is greener on the other side... no matter how blatantly shitty the other side is" mentality
Does the grudge between the NY Fire Dep. and the NYPD really exist in such a way as the media portrays it?

I'm a rookie so commenting on this would just be plain stupid on my part.

Although ive lived in NYC all my life and always thought this "grudge" was only a myth mostly spread by people who never even worked within either dep.
It would probably be quite easy to investigate any murder I committed. I don't think I would be a particularly sophisticated murderer. Manual strangulation in a rage-fix. Beautiful.
(though why would somebody investigate a murder they committed? some sort of coverup attempt?)

There was actually a guy who did something a lot like that a while back. Somewhere in the midwest, I think. He was a Fire Marshall or something and he achieved quite a bit of notoriety for a while when he was investigating a series of really bad arsons, and it turned out that he was the arsonist.