what will you do in the summer

don't any of you cry about having to study, you'll just make me want to cry more. my idea of a perfect holiday is a week at the pentagon with rumsfeld as my humble host, walking me around and buying me drinks (this especially) and revealing to me all the big secrets of life. i will have 10 days in germany with rahvin and this, although far from aforementioned ideal, is not bad in itself; the rest will be spent toiling away like a bubu, writing two papers and preparing for central wanker selection - plus today i discover i have to write a chapter for a book, which is untolerable extra work and if they didn't pay so well i would just say no. and yes, i forget, there is some renewal work to be done in my house, therefore i will have to pack and unpack stuff and move huge crates and generally be unhappy :cry:

hyena - bubu pride
This summer..my grades at school was high this year so i will go to Finland with my bestfriend like i dreamed (very happy for this!) and...it's all for now, oh of course i will sleep a lot an i will cook and eat a lot too when this heat will stop!
Oh i have to study for next year.....this sucks :mad:
@Siren and Soulscar: My university has a fucked up schedule, I won't have a break until August, and it will be only 3 weeks, whoever said mexicans are lazy will suffer my wrath :mad:

@Soulscar: How come you know spanish?
@ Thanatos: Porque hice parte de mis exámenes finales de la escuela en Espanol. Fue un examen oral, en lo que tuve que hablar unos treinta minutos de los problemas socio-económicas de Sudamérica y la constitución espanola - no me preguntes que lo pude hacer....

Unfortunately it is all gone now - it has been only back in 1998, but nowadays it takes me such an awful long time to get together something, especially when talking. Maybe it is because I usually do not need Spanish in my everyday life, whereas English is actually omnipresent.