What would you do?

Doomcifer said:
No way, fuck that! Keep the pussy around!!! It sounds to me like you are getting attached and actually want more of a "relationship" with her though. I, personally, would just go with the flow, let her do her thing, I do mine, and keep the punani around. You always need contingency pussy if your single and need to get your dick wet. Quit probing and getting all emotional over something that isn;t even that serious yet. Just go with the flow holmes.

CAUTION: We are losing 'Gugs.

That's also good advice. Hmmm. I *do* want to at least find out if she's worth getting more serious with, but she's making it impossible!

:lol: @ your CAUTION. No one's losing anyone.
MadeInNewJersey said:
That's also good advice. Hmmm. I *do* want to at least find out if she's worth getting more serious with, but she's making it impossible!

:lol: @ your CAUTION. No one's losing anyone.

Seriosuly, you may think you are in control, but in all honesty, we are in VERY little control of most things in our life. Just let it ride and ride with it. If there is anything there, mutually, it will evolve on it's own. If not, it will fizzle out on it's own as well.
ask her to meet you for some dinner on her turf by the grannies home ... see what she says
MadeInNewJersey said:
Listen Vonnegut, I'm sure you can add something more to the thread than that.

I assume this refers to me, so I add...


My advice: keep her around, but stop buying her stuff. And get something else on the side.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I'm not eating your ass, buddy.

Where is it? I'll come get wasted and grope Euro-hotties.

hahahaha ... its in Queens, there won't be many single chicks though. There will be however that little sleazer you and NAD drooled over from the Haloween party ... she likes light eyed Aryan guys ... alot
MadeInNewJersey said:
So should I just suck it up and be MORE understanding, or should I cut my losses early (before it's a more serious relationship) and say, see ya?
As with most things, I think the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Lighten up a bit, and maybe let her set the pace. But at the same time, don't make yourself over available emotionally. And if sweeter deal comes along before you HAVE to go one way or the other on this thing, so be it.

@lurch: What little sleazer?

@Justin: I'm going to see how this next week-or-so goes and make some decisions. The first of which is to return the $200 worth of shit I bought her today. Clearly undeserving of that. And I have side-pieces, if I want them (I don't). I'm most pissed because I turned down an all-expenses-paid trip for 7 days/6 nights to fucking Maui, because the person who invited me is an old friend (female), and this new broad didn't want me to go. Fucking women, I swear.

@Doomcifer: more good advice, it's just that I don't do the "let it go how it goes" thing very well. :erk:
it's just that I don't do the "let it go how it goes" thing very well.

i hear you ... i am not good at it either. I can't play the interested party and keep them around for shits and giggles. I don't think its fair for anyone ... especially after a certain age.
would you rate her a Yes or a No using my new system? makes shit really easy. :tickled:

but if you're just casually seeing this bint, and you're having problems/doubts already, it probably isn't worth it.
Plzdatemekthx said:
would you rate her a Yes or a No using my new system? makes shit really easy. :tickled:

but if you're just casually seeing this bint, and you're having problems/doubts already, it probably isn't worth it.

I love your new system!

Except that it doesn't take the variables into account. The sex is a resounding YES. Pretty much everything else is a NO, with a smattering of MAYBE's in there.

Maybe I'll just ignore her until after NYE, when she starts her new job. Then we'll see what happens.
if you're only enjoying the sex, milk that as long as you can while putting in ZERO effort toward the relationship. i try to be as aloof as possible with chicks, unless i really like them.

note: i've had over a year of bad/nonexistent relationships so maybe you shouldn't listen to me. :loco:
MadeInNewJersey said:
Except that it doesn't take the variables into account. The sex is a resounding YES. Pretty much everything else is a NO, with a smattering of MAYBE's in there.


There ya go!!! Just use mine and NAD's advice then!!! :tickled: You solved it all yourself.
I'm going on 2+ years of bad/nonexistant relationships, so I'm right there with ya.

The sex is great, but we don't even see each other enough to fucking have enough sex! I mean, let's face it, I'm a guy, and while I'm getting on in years, I want to have sex more than once every 2 fucking weeks.

Now I'm just getting annoyed. I think I'm going to have to go out and buy a lot of beers.
i'm in full support of the beers plan. go find a Jersey Joe's like i showed you in the other thread. :cool:
actually yeah, no shit. i have band practice in a few hours (7 miles away), was gonna head to the bars afterwards (3 miles away), and really don't want to do either. people are ASSHOLES on the roads right now.