What would you do?


So she just called to apologize for being "catty" and "distant."

I left out a major detail (you'll kill me, lol): her dog was hit by a car & killed today, and she's in semi-shock. I left out this detail on purpose, because, well, she wasn't making these early days easy before her dog got killed, so I refuse to accept it as an excuse (and I have a dog, so believe me when I say I know how she might/would feel).

Anyway, I still don't know if she's going to compromise or anything, but she at least realizes she's being, shall we say, difficult.
Cold me old fashioned, but this really should be your priority list:

Relationship first
Sex second

If you feel that this is a relationship that would cause more grief than joy, get rid of her immediately. You seem like a nice guy, so why the hell should you settle?
Crimson Velvet said:
Cold me old fashioned, but this really should be your priority list:

Relationship first
Sex second

If you feel that this is a relationship that would cause more grief than joy, get rid of her immediately. You seem like a nice guy, so why the hell should you settle?

I appreciate you saying that, and yes, I'd LOVE if it were relationship first, sex second, but we had sex a long time ago, many times, long before there was ever a relationship in question. I know it's prolly not a smart idea to enter a relationship BECAUSE the sex is good (it's not the ONLY reason), but I dunno man, I'm getting older and feel like my chances of "finding someone" are getting worse with each passing year.

Yeah, I know, I'm gay. [/emothread]
"I'm getting older and feel like my chances of "finding someone" are getting worse with each passing year."

Man, that's gotta be an extremely uncomfortable feeling to have. I've been in stabile relationships since I was nineteen, so I guess it's easy for me sit here on my high horse and pass judgement. I also suppose I'm not really in the position to give much advice then, but I'll tell you this: Come to Norway and I'll hook you up!

But still, you may end up settling, but try to raise the bar a few inches higher at least. Distance and unavailability can't be tolerated; it will only lead to frustration, and ultimately grief.
Mark - here's a question, if she ended it, would you care? If yes, then she's worth making some compromises for, even letting her take time out to bury their dog. :loco:

By the way, has she seen your CD collection yet? I wonder if she saw a Manowar CD and decided to lay low for a while. :loco:
Plzdatemekthx said:
holy shit i just now realized emo rhymes with homo. i'm slowmo.

'Luck', get it?
Luck!! You know! Sounds a bit like Fu...!"

*cue end credits*

Blackadder Season II <- some of the greatest comedy evar.
Crimson Velvet said:
"I'm getting older and feel like my chances of "finding someone" are getting worse with each passing year."

Man, that's gotta be an extremely uncomfortable feeling to have. I've been in stabile relationships since I was nineteen, so I guess it's easy for me sit here on my high horse and pass judgement. I also suppose I'm not really in the position to give much advice then, but I'll tell you this: Come to Norway and I'll hook you up!

But still, you may end up settling, but try to raise the bar a few inches higher at least. Distance and unavailability can't be tolerated; it will only lead to frustration, and ultimately grief.

I would LOVE to come to Norway! I want to come for the festival of the Midnight Sun, or whatever you locals call it. I heard many beauties would be present, and all drinking! SKOL! (uh, that's Swedish, isn't it?) :lol:

Here's the thing, from age 28-30, I was with a woman who I really thought I'd marry, and things fell apart. In retrospect it was for the best, but still, now I'm 32 and it gets much harder to meet someone who's a good match for you.
Plzdatemekthx said:
holy shit even gugs has gone emo.


I felt so left out duder, I just HAD to start my own emo thread.

JayKeeley said:
Mark - here's a question, if she ended it, would you care? If yes, then she's worth making some compromises for, even letting her take time out to bury their dog. :loco:

By the way, has she seen your CD collection yet? I wonder if she saw a Manowar CD and decided to lay low for a while. :loco:

Ali, that's an EXCELLENT question. I would indeed care if SHE ended it, but probably only out of some stupid prideful, caveman reason.

As for the CD collection, lol, she's seen it. She loves metal, actually. If you'll recall, the day I met her (I was still with Lisa, actually) was the PNC Iron Maiden show from summer 2003 (yeah, the one I was so bombed I kept spilling beers until you finally said no more!). She's also come to see Amorphis & Beyond the Embrace with me, met Shawn & the rest of the guys from Beyond.
what age do i have to start feeling that way? :dopey:

seriously though, i want a family someday. 1 wife, 2.5 kids, 3.2 pets, etc. i'm thinking around 30 will be a serious approach to such matters, although if it happens now i wouldn't really mind. well, i'd need to meet someone first and then be with her (or him??????? :loco: ) for a few years, so the timing would probably work out if Mrs. Bitchen came around tonight.
NAD, you're what, 27?

You've got 3 years. 30 is good. Because by 30, you'll need a couple years to meet, seduce (i.e. drug) someone, get engaged, married, blah blah. And you'll want some pre-kid years to have fun as a young married couple. Or just go the Zod route and say fuck kids, remain DINKs forever and ever. Like an adult Peter Pan. OR something.