What your fans think of your decision.

I'm glad I've recently migrated more to the motW/Kayo Dot board where the people who provide for the forum's existance are just as cool and goofy as the rest of the posters.
Maharet said:
guys...come on! its not that big of a deal...Im actually kinda glad its not there anymore...am i the only one?
I never saw the point of having an Opeth off-topic forum, especially since there already were an general discussion board on UM. I usually think that the simplest is the best, so yes, I'm glad it was removed.
Allow me to rephrase:

Opeth is all about music folks... first, foremost, and entirely.

Blaming Opeth for this "atrocity" is very lame and unmetal of all you "fans."

It is beyond me why some of you would be mad enough to all of the sudden dislike a band for reasons that don't have to do with their music, but what do I know...
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shivering corpse said:
It seems like it was basically deleted because whoever deceided to do it felt it was basically useless since there is already a chat forum for music and nonmusic discussion, plus they were having to pay for it.
Im not positive but dont they pay to have a forum here and us "premium members" pay to help with bandwidth and space????