What your fans think of your decision.


The point of the rep was the message that went with it, not the actual rep itself. And sorry, but it would seem I pay no attention to you, given that I don't recall you ever saying anything about rep, or that I even noticed you had it turned off.

yourdeadgroom said:

The point of the rep was the message that went with it, not the actual rep itself. And sorry, but it would seem I pay no attention to you, given that I don't recall you ever saying anything about rep, or that I even noticed you had it turned off.

Why would you rep me when I can't read it? Because you are a dork.

So far I've learned "Ways to the Grave" and "Cry my name", except I'm playing Cry my name with a seven string and the bottom string is dropped to A.
Even though it's not that time of month for me, I have to agree with Neil here.

The Off-Topic forum never should have been under Opeth's name.. it made no sense to associate and link two forums in which one was related to the subject at hand (the band) and the other was related to nothing at all. It makes sense to lump it together with the general UM chat.

Aside from the fucking gay colours, I don't see what you people are complaining about.
"Fuck off, you weren't part of the community for 2+ years, don't tell us how we should feel -YDG"

ydg, do you always throw tantrums when you don't get your way? p.u.s.s.y.
Lina said:
Oh so the Opeth off-topic board was created before the Chat board. Well it doesn't really justify the fact that there were two forums for the exact same thing. The Opeth one should have been closed right when the other appeared, because as Moonlapse said, it makes no sense to have these kind of discussions under the name of a band.
Anyway I'll stop arguing about this because it's lame and I don't give a shit about what UM do to their own website. I didn't pay for that service.
Jim LotFP said:
Dude, the off-topic area moved so far away from being sensible (and I was as much to blame for that as anyone, but hell...), who cares if it was moved from one labeled forum to another? All the same people clicking their same links show up in the old forum, with all their posts still there.

If it's the same people looking at the same posts, what difference does it make if it's an Opeth off-topic chat forum on UM, or just a UM off-topic chat forum?

I mean damn man, this isn't anything to get upset about.

nicely put
Well i can understand why some people are truly pissed off about it....i mean i might have been if i had been here for as long as those people have but i still see no real point in arguing it and i think its really stupid to blame the band Opeth for this...i dont think they really had anything to do with it...i mean they are on tour right now, i dont think they have time to come on here and our forum...I think those who are holding it against Opeth are really being ridiculous...Many of you are probably saying "oh that "newb" is being a fangirl" but you know its just dumb how people are reacting...one can create a new community elsewhere with very little effort...its been done alot...in my forum experiences, ive seen forums come and go, but you know people always seem to regroup in other places...
It's not as big a deal as I first thought (or maybe that's because I'm spending less and less time at UM and more and more time playing old SNES roms).
I don not want to see the Chat forum flooded with all the Opethian idiots. That was also a community, there for even longer than the Opeth forum. Everyone fron this forum goes there and thread spams it to oblivion so we need to bump our classic threads every few hours.
I just want them out of the chat forum now. I liked the community here, but I'm fuckign pissed off that it had to fuck up the Chat community.

Let's attack the Neil Turbin forum then.
To put my view bluntly:

- The Opeth off topic board gave a lot of people happiness.
- Those who disliked it didn't have to go on it.
- Shutting it down fragmented the collective that used it.
- I think it sucks, but Big Fake Smile has a point, it's not the end of the world, and we should all give the Niel Turbin board a visit :)
I don't really see what the problem is. The Off Topic board was full of shite, like IF 2's boring political threads - so now they're in the Chat board instead. What's the fuckin difference? Same old shit, just in a different place?

I don't understand people getting all dewy eyed about message boards - sure this is a fun place to post, but people like the ex Maiden BBers who go on about how it was so great and how they had happier times back than etc just seems fucking sad to me. There's plenty forums around, find another one if you don't like this one.

There, I'm tired out now after that :D