Whats with everyone hating AYDY?

Tut Ankh Amon said:
i am the master of all interesting and non-boob related threads.
You people shut your mouth and stop writing words.

All will be fine again once they catch up with their challenging masturbation schedule. They are just cranky because the Internet's production of porn isn't being enough to satisfy their jumbo-leviathan craving for onanism.
Rock Hydra said:
I like some of the songs on AYDY.

The ones I like are:

2. Are You Dead Yet?
3. If You Want Peace... Prepare for War
4. Punch Me I Bleed
5. In Your Face
6. Next in Line
8. Trashed, Lost & Strungout

The rest I don't like. They don't seem like bodom in the HCDR, FTR sense but those songs remind me of Shadows Fall or similar type riffs.

You like those but NOT Living dead beat and We're not gonna fall? TEHSTOOPED?!?!1/!?
Joonas Lehtonen said:
What's wrong with everyone hating AYDY?
They're faggots.

i agree... i personally like hate crew deathroll and aydy more than their earlier albums. i dont care what others say, i like them.
Peti said:
that happens to the ppl who got to know the band so late...

^^ Maybe more often than not, but at least with me, I only heard COB about 8 mos ago, and started really getting into then only about 4-5 months ago, I started out with FTR, and then to Something Wild, then Hatebreeder, I've yet to get TLSO, HCDR or AYDY, but have heard most of the songs off of all of the latter.

And yeah, I am really into COB now, but like the saying goes,
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression"
I can honestly say that if AYDY would have been my first exposure to COB,
I would never have ever gave the band a second listen, that album (from what I have heard so far) is so far below average compaired to previous material, that it dosent even sound like the same band.

So, Alexi can talk all his shit about the band "Not wanting to get stuck" or to keep reinventing themselves or whatever excuse he is makeing this week, but there is a biiiiiiiig difference between "Progression" and "ripped off, tired, generic wallmart garbage" that will sell in hordes to a billion 13 yr olds who will go home and stack up the copy of "Are you (rich) dead yet" right along side that copy of Slipknot, Nu-Slayer, and Snoop Dogg's latest single.

And Alexi being a very, VERY good musician should know this (and I am sure he does!) better than anyone else!
Sinnsation said:
So, Alexi can talk all his shit about the band "Not wanting to get stuck" or to keep reinventing themselves or whatever excuse he is makeing this week, but there is a biiiiiiiig difference between "Progression" and "ripped off, tired, generic wallmart garbage" that will sell in hordes to a billion 13 yr olds who will go home and stack up the copy of "Are you (rich) dead yet" right along side that copy of Slipknot, Nu-Slayer, and Snoop Dogg's latest single.

isnt that the same excuse metallica had used over the years? fuck'em
You can't call yourself a real CoB fan if you say that kind of shit. Are you dead yet is an amazing album, and so are All their other albums, from something wild to Hate Crew Deathroll. Its still really talented music, it just sounds more nu-metal. Believe me when I say I hate bands like slipknot or masked douchebag bands, but AYDY still owns, as much as you think it resembles this new age bullshit.