Whats with everyone hating AYDY?

In Your Face said:
haha, yeah. Thats so true. All in good fun though. Usually i'm just kiddin' around when I post offensive stuff to the seniors. We should all just get a round of brewskis and peanuts.

Everyone likes peanuts and beer. It just works that way...

Oh yeah, Elysian sucks dick!

Now that's a lovely post! oooooh...

P.S. I'm not being sarcastic.
The vast majority of people defending AYDY are new to his forum, and are therefore, much more often than not, new COB fans. In Your Face is not the "best song ever". Please, all of you, quit pretending like you are all hardcore and enjoy the older material, because it is not possible to enjoy both. I feel that you are trying to make yourselves valid and 'fit in'. If you enjoy AYDY more than the previous albums, you are not a Children Of Bodom fan. That is not who Children Of Bodom has been for the last 10 years. You are the kids I see wandering around my town with AYDY long sleeves. The same children that also enjoy Avenged Sevenfold and other now-popular hardxXCORE 'metal'. It pains me. Love, j0tun. :erk:
if you see a kid wearing a AYDY shirt ask him what bodoms first album was and if he is wrong roundhouse kick him in the head.
j0tun said:
The vast majority of people defending AYDY are new to his forum, and are therefore, much more often than not, new COB fans. In Your Face is not the "best song ever". Please, all of you, quit pretending like you are all hardcore and enjoy the older material, because it is not possible to enjoy both. I feel that you are trying to make yourselves valid and 'fit in'. If you enjoy AYDY more than the previous albums, you are not a Children Of Bodom fan. That is not who Children Of Bodom has been for the last 10 years. You are the kids I see wandering around my town with AYDY long sleeves. The same children that also enjoy Avenged Sevenfold and other now-popular hardxXCORE 'metal'. It pains me. Love, j0tun. :erk:

Why isn´t it possible to enjoy both? Do you always think `new`fans are just wannabe, that they´re just stupid kids who wanna be "dark", "bad" or extremly "harcore". Do not be so intolerant - there are people listening to CoB AND softer or more popular stuff at the same time but why is that so horrible?
You behave like a leader of a sect.
In every other forum "new" fans are welcome but here they are punished... that pains ME.

Ps: If you just want to revile me instead of an answer there´s no need to answer at all.
Nashira said:
Why isn´t it possible to enjoy both? Do you always think `new`fans are just wannabe, that they´re just stupid kids who wanna be "dark", "bad" or extremly "harcore". Do not be so intolerant - there are people listening to CoB AND softer or more popular stuff at the same time but why is that so horrible?
You behave like a leader of a sect.
In every other forum "new" fans are welcome but here they are punished... that pains ME.

Ps: If you just want to revile me instead of an answer there´s no need to answer at all.

I am bitter and resentful that my once favorite band has been butchered and served up to an array of high school students, looking for just another way to be angry at the world, while being 'cool' among their peers. Many of these children don't even like the music for it's musical value, but for the acceptance of those around them and the image it presents. I see it all around me. I never said all new fans are like this...but a large portion of them are. They see "In Your Face" on the TV and hear their friends talking about them..they are spoon fed the newest and latest hot bands, never searching for their own real tastes. Then they show up here and post illiterate questions about Alexi's boots or how great "Punch Me I Bleed" is. That song blows. I won't even get started on the kids in my town. This is why I am angry.

ps - I don't just mindlessly flame
j0tun said:
Many of these children don't even like the music for it's musical value

You obviously don't either, to me it seems like you're just listening to music to be "cool" and "alternative", and now you can't listen to COB anymore because it's not kvlt and underground anymore. Serioulsy, if you like music, listen to it, if you don't like it, don't listen, it's very simple. If you can't stand the latest album, just listen to the one's you like and stop whining.

j0tun said:
You are the kids I see wandering around my town with AYDY long sleeves. The same children that also enjoy Avenged Sevenfold and other now-popular hardxXCORE 'metal'

When I started to listen to COB in 2000 I felt somewhat ashamed that so many COB fans listened mostly to gay-ass power metal like Edguy, Primal Fear and Hammerfall other than COB. But I don't give a shit about that kind of stuff anymore, I don't like whatever shitty PM I've heard, and I dont like the hardcore bands I've heard either, but I love every COB album up to date.
j0tun said:
They see "In Your Face" on the TV and hear their friends talking about them..they are spoon fed the newest and latest hot bands, never searching for their own real tastes. Then they show up here and post illiterate questions about Alexi's boots or how great "Punch Me I Bleed" is. That song blows.

And what do you consider a person who's been a fan before any of the new material, and likes the new material better? An idiot..? Get real, Children of Bodom would be laughed at if they came out with another SW/HB/FtR -style album, simply because they need to get more and more serious if they want to keep their reputation. They're supposed to be black metal, and if they'd start making Smurf songs again.. So hopefully their next album will retain the attitude and regain the melody.
The Bringer said:
What is suppose to be black metal? Immortal? Yes. Children of Bodom? WTF? Errr... No.

I think they laugh at this thread non-stop.

Indeed. :grin:

And the black metal thing.. Joonas seriously, you dont know enough about music to make statements, just sit home, listen & shut up.