Whats with everyone hating AYDY?

j0tun said:
The vast majority of people defending AYDY are new to his forum, and are therefore, much more often than not, new COB fans. In Your Face is not the "best song ever". Please, all of you, quit pretending like you are all hardcore and enjoy the older material, because it is not possible to enjoy both. I feel that you are trying to make yourselves valid and 'fit in'. If you enjoy AYDY more than the previous albums, you are not a Children Of Bodom fan. That is not who Children Of Bodom has been for the last 10 years. You are the kids I see wandering around my town with AYDY long sleeves. The same children that also enjoy Avenged Sevenfold and other now-popular hardxXCORE 'metal'. It pains me. Love, j0tun. :erk:

Not possible to enjoy both? Thats silly. I like Deadnight Warrior as much as I like If you Want Peace...Prepare for War, I like Downfall and kissing the shadows but i also like Living Dead Beat and Are you Dead Yet (the song)
In your Face is by no means COB's best work but its still good. No doubt there were some songs in AYDY that were beyond shitty such as:
Punch me I bleed
Next in Line
We're Not Gonna Fall
Opps i did it again (i know it was a joke but.... :erk: )

but dont knock the whole albulm just because of a few extremely shitty songs..
You can suck my dick, the point was not if Bodom was black metal or nu-metal of whatever, it was the rest of it.. You guys seriously behave like 10 year old bullies and it makes me sick.. luckily my life's outside this blood sucker forum..
Joonas Lehtonen said:
You can suck my dick, the point was not if Bodom was black metal or nu-metal of whatever, it was the rest of it.. You guys seriously behave like 10 year old bullies and it makes me sick.. luckily my life's outside this blood sucker forum..

then do everyone a favor and
Joonas Lehtonen said:
You guys seriously behave like 10 year old bullies and it makes me sick.. luckily my life's outside this blood sucker forum..

You know, it doesn't matter where you go on the internet you will always find a post exactly like this. What forum did you copy/paste this quote from?

You know, it's the same thing on the NHL forum I use to go to. It doesn't have to be some stupid fucking band, it could be about rice-cakes for christ sake. As long as a majority here has about the same opinion they will appear as "10 year old bullies" to anyone who disagrees.
Deadnight Warrior87 said:
What's with everyone hating everyone who likes AYDY?:)

That is kind of dumb u know. I don't hate someone just because (s)he has a diferent opinion. But AS A COB ALBUM, AYDY just isn't that good (At least I think so).

This isn't a ''good old bodom forum'' or ''AYDY forum'', it's for both (awwwww).
So shut up and give each other a kiss.