What's with the Members page..?

Ok, guy, here's the deal, it seems Liquid2k is either permanently down or in repair, it has been in this state for a long time, you might remember me mentioning that way back when.

I will look for a new host as soon as I get my own connection up and running, unfortunately like rahvin said, I have other things on my mind at the moment, so I would suggest to get a new host for yourself until I can get back on track with this shit I dare calling life.
thank you, salamurhaaja, i hope you didn't feel like we were pushing you. :)

well, here's the deal: with wildfyr taking back her offer i think the longest-standing member of this community with available webspace is miolo. i have no idea whether 25mb is enough (is it a matter of space or bandwidth or what?), but in case it isn't i'd take steve420's offer into consideration. i'm just sorting offers from the ones coming from those with more posts here going down, for obvious reasons (they're more likely to stay longer and have maybe more interest in the board).

@miolo: let us know how you'd like this to work: do we send our avatars to an email of your choice? whenever you're ready. :)

for the page, with all the pictures and stuff, there might be some problems, 'cause i'm not so familiar with html code and you should give me very detailed instructions. besides, there would be an annoying pop-up window everytime you go on the site, so, i don't know, just consider this. :)

@miolo: i think the avatars are seen as the most urgent feature. we'll think about the picture page in a while, maybe i could also provide one in the not-so-distant future. :)

thank for taking the duties, Miolo. :) my offer was only for avatar hosting. sorry if i didn't make that clear in the original offer. and, it was only for the duration of time until Salamurhaaja was back in business, in case some didn't understand what temporary means. :rolleyes:
Well, like I said, it may take me a while, since I just realized that I need to send something back to my ISP to get the service opened *sigh*, sometimes I really wish they made it a bit clearer.

Do you have a possibility to resize images?

Also if you need help with HTML, just ask, the one I had up for the avatars was real simple, since no one was supposed to go to the page. And that is why pop-ups don't matter there either.
Originally posted by Miolo
@Salamy: yep, i have the possibility to resize images. in what size should they be? :)


100x100 is the usual, so that would work fine :)
I'll send you mail in a bit.

Wee, thanks to Slapper, it's quite slow ar work today, hurray :grin:
I have a rather bitchy host and I'm not sure if they allow external linking...

Testing EL...
@steve420: it seems they don't, too bad. some sites really are bitches. :bah: thanks for trying anyway.

@hiljainen: i'm going to take a look tonight if i have some time, thanks for the tip.
