What's your favorite horror/gore movies?

Originally posted by Gongorakoe
the exorcist... absolute evil movie

I agree with you Gonorakoe..... but what do you think about The Shining, of Kubrick????...... I know it is not an horror film, but that film kick ass talking about amazed scaring films.....
errr, yeah, "deep", and right on the money! That's exactly what makes this movie a classic! It's not a horror movie, it's an exercise in suspense... and human frailty!...classic. Of course though...lol...there's scarier movies by far...so i'll shut up.

-And there was MUCH rejoicing-

seeya in the NeXTLiFE
in no particular order.......

"The Amityville Horror"
"The Excorcist"
"A Nightmare on Elm Street"
"The Omen"
"Damien, Omen II"
"Flowers in the Attic"
"The Shining" (original)
"Prince of Darkness"
"The Ring"
"House of Dark Shadows" (I'm also a big fan of the 60's TV series)
The Thing
Day of the Dead(original)
Friday the 13th part 2
TCM the Begining
The Omen
Hellraiser 2
i love horror movies
So many i like though most are from the 80's:

The Exorcist
The Shining
The Omen series
My Bloody Valentine (the original)
Friday the 13th Parts I and II
Nightmare on Elm Street (all of them)
Silent Night, Deadly Night I and II
Dead Alive
Interview with the Vampire
Salem's Lot (wasn't that good but the vampires were scary as hell)
Pumpkinhead I and II
Hellraiser I and II
Phantasm (all of them, Creepy guy the Tall Man)
The Thing (80's one)
The Sentinel (they were suppose to do a remake)
Halloween I and II (original and perhaps IV and V)
Psycho 2 & 3
Rosemary's Baby
Evil Dead I and II
I Spit on Your Grave
Texas Chainsaw Massacre II
Wrong Turn
Bram Stroker's Dracula
Dawn of the Dead (remake)
Burnt Offerings
The Prophecy (all of them)
The Howling
The Legacy
The Amityville Horror
Puppet Master (I and II)
Night of the Demons
Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II
Prince of Darkness
The Fog (the original)
The Believers
Creepshow I and II

That is just some of them... there are others but they escape my mind for the moment...
The hills have eyes (unrated)
The hills have eyes 2 (unrated)
Demon night
From dusk till dawn
Nightmare on elm street series
Hellraiser series
Dead Alive
Night of the demons
Night Breed
all Stephen king movies
Creepshow 1&2

some japanese gore films ...

Tetsuo:The iron man
The machine girl
Zombie hunter Rika
Tokyo gore police
Meatball machine
Chanbara beauty
1. Last House On The Left(1972 - The One The ONLY)
2. Phenomena
3. The Brood
4. Audition
5. Alien
6. The Birds
7. Jaws
8. The Exorcist: The VERSION You've NEVER Seen
9. Martyrs(best film of 2009)
10. Sleepaway Camp
11. Signs
12. The Thing(1982)
13. Eyes Without A Face
14. Cujo
15. Ringu
16. Misery
17. The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane
18. Re-Animator
19. Don't Go To Sleep
20. Horror Of Dracula
21. Silence Of The Lambs
22. Friday The 13th(1980)
23. Battle Royale
24. Phantasm
25. Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer