When the oceans rise - General Chat Thread

^You look professional in that pic. :p Also, do you or anyone else know if I can add AIM friends to Yahoo or MSN? I accidentally deleted mine last week and don't have the connection speed to redownload it.
aaah fuck, why the hell did you do that?

We weren't really connecting after all, she was kinda getting on my nerves some times and I really didn't have the energy to help her deal with her mental problems. Half of my last relationship (which lasted all through last year) was full of that. And I just couldn't do it again.

Must be nice to do the breaking up. :(

It's not. You feel like a total jerk, and the pain the other part is feeling hurts you twice as much. I hate it.
Rivfadír;7390725 said:
We weren't really connecting after all, she was kinda getting on my nerves some times and I really didn't have the energy to help her deal with her mental problems. Half of my last relationship (which lasted all through last year) was full of that. And I just couldn't do it again.

It's not. You feel like a total jerk, and the pain the other part is feeling hurts you twice as much. I hate it.

Man, you should know by now all girls will have "mental problems". ;D
Ah well I hope you're alright, and don't feel like a jerk about it, you split up for goods reasons and it is a lot better than waiting a few years down the line and havign a really messy break up, heh.
Thanks Cait. I think it was the right thing too. Although, now she's deleting me from contact-lists everywhere. I was hoping we could still talk.
Oh well, her choice.

Edit: Oh wow, she's pissed. She doesn't understand it at all. :(
^ Hehe that usually happens, especially when, as you state it, she doesn't understand at all.

Give it a couple of days so you can be sure about your decision, then call her again and try to explain. But remember that you if you do that you may end up together again, so well if you really want things to be over never mind her.

Unless she starts threatening you or something :p .

I wanted Germany to win, but oh well Spain was sooooooo much better :rolleyes: , Germany did nothing.
Can anyone please please list the songs for me that Simen sang on on Spiritual Black Dimensions and Puritanical? Or tell me if I'm missing any. These albums are too boring for me to listen through again.

Kings of blah blah
The Insight And The Catharsis
I know. I won't deny I'll probably still get a bit upset once in a while (lol pms) but I just feel great.
Trying to plan out my life and sort stuff out. I went to see my new psychologist today, he's amazing.
He loves to travel and climb mountains and stuff, so we talked about it more than my own problems, haha.

He's inspired me.
My friend Tim has inspired me.
I just feel so confident and happy.
Tim is planning to walk across Europe in 2010. I'm preparing to go with him :3