When the oceans rise - General Chat Thread


Care to explain who else you've met?

I as going to add "not including Shane" but I thought you wouldn't be stupid enough to assume I'd be including you too >=|

I've met a few, as I said at these festivals, and then just a few folk at my local pubs/gigs etc. Oh and online Solefald fans are the worst, especially fucking Husvik. Uuuuugh.
I as going to add "not including Shane" but I thought you wouldn't be stupid enough to assume I'd be including you too >=|

I've met a few, as I said at these festivals, and then just a few folk at my local pubs/gigs etc. Oh and online Solefald fans are the worst, especially fucking Husvik. Uuuuugh.

Gee, thanks Cait.
Turns out my flight to go see Borknagar is going to cost me £100 :\
It jumped up from £30 randomly within a few days.

Ah well... it's worth it.
If my money is in the bank, I may go order my flights tonight or tomorrow.

I'll be arriving on Wednesday and leaving on Sunday.
Now hopefully Kazaum will come or I'll be alone for two days T___T
Turns out my flight to go see Borknagar is going to cost me £100 :
It jumped up from £30 randomly within a few days.



That's what always say, if you;re planning to buy an airplane ticket, you should do it as soon as you can because things like this happen a lot.

Anyway, I'm glad someone from the forum is still going :p .

^Lucky you, it seems none of the Americans here get to see Borknagar.

Thanks for including me Derek :p.
ALSO FUCK YEAH. I figured out a cheap way to get to Oslo.

Drive to Blackpool
Fly from Blackpool to Dublin
Fly from Dublin to Oslo

Both flights cost me £10 each.

I will book them asap, for now I need to sort out accommodation, which is going to be crazy.
I was kind of hoping I could rely on Tobias and I could tag along, but I really need to learn how to cope alone.
I will leave Accommodation till last though, just in case Kazaum or Turbo still plan to come.

I'm so scared ;_;