When/why will DT break up?


Oct 14, 2005
Faculty of Science
I see DT and i see so many other bands, and DT look like a very solid band to me. Hell, they've already lasted 16 years with only a few changes (which they've been able to overcome without sounding like they've lost something important). (Yes, i'm aware that bands like the Rolling Stones have lasted way longer, but that's not the point.) Anyway, eventually they will break up someday. So when --and for what reason-- do you think it will happen?
i dont see either why we should talk about when they will break up if there is nothing that can make us think they will break up in a near future. Lets just be positive...
why would we invent a whole load of crap about something we have absolutely no idea when or how it will happen?
Not in my head.

If they are no more - I'll just zone out to their music, my memories and good times we had :p

I wish them ride as long as it possible.


UndoControl said:
Ok, never mind. rahvin, you can close/delete this thread if you want to. Dark Silence has a point there.

i don't think she does, i don't see why the subject should be off-limits just because it's based on a guess. as if discussing the new album is not.
Originally posted on the official D.T web page
As you all know, the game of poker has had a huge upswing the last years. Some of us in the band have picked up the habit, and nowadays we're always on the lookout for some card playing action during our travels around the globe.

I see the future now :) Gambling is evil and if the band members hook up on poker they will probably eventually loose a lot of money and go into debt. Then they will be forced to sell their instruments and loan money from loan-sharks who will afterwards chase them around and threaten to break their fingers if they don't pay up :) So D.T. members will be forced to get permanent jobs or go into crime (or even worse go into pop-rock music) just so they could pay up their debts and thats how Dark Tranquillity as we know it will cease to exist :(
Gambling is evil :)
I think the key is not to spend too much time with each other. If you tour through Europe, you're likely to spend nearly 2 months with your other bandmembers, every day. The more time you spend with each other, the more likely it is that someone gets pissed off.
In the ideal band of course everyone would be friends with everyone, but I guess that's rarely the case, so..

Another important thing would be communication, if you can talk about what bothers you openly, it's easier to find solutions, and the anger doesnt pile up.

After the Nevermore concert in Hamburg in early october, we spent the night in a bar waiting for the first train back home, and at some point, Van Williams, Jeff Loomis and some roadies show up. At first I thought that was weird, that maybe they had been arguing or something.. and then I realized that after touring with the same guys for over 2 months (they had been touring the states before) maybe you want some spaces and see different faces for a change..
^And anyway if the others are going drinking then Dane isn't going to be there. But you're right, a band probably spends enough time together in the tour bus, gigs, studio etc.

Taliesin said:
In the ideal band of course everyone would be friends with everyone, but I guess that's rarely the case, so..
It does seem on the outside like this is the case in DT. You never know of course, so yeah maybe it's not so important to bother with it.

DarkSilence said:
i dont see either why we should talk about when they will break up if there is nothing that can make us think they will break up in a near future. Lets just be positive...
Please, let's not. Just look at LaRocque.
And when seemingly everything has been discussed, I think it's good to see a DT-thread surfacing, even if it's about their favourite desserts.
i hope i'm not the only one around here to think that dark tranquillity should break up as soon as they've reached the end of the path of ideas and inspirations that the band has started on under this name. it wouldn't really seem that tragic, to me.

i cannot possibly foresee any "difference of opinions" among the band members that would lead them to go their separate way over something personal. they've been friends since the dawn of time, they're not spoiled starlets arguing over where to go for dinner or chasing after big money. but it does make sense that once they feel that the dark tranquillity project has expressed all that it meant to, their paths in music might diverge, or take a different form that, while still allowing them to work together, would not be under the monicker we know and love.

to be honest, i'd much prefer this solution to having my favorite band either putting out uninspired/repetitive records, or making music that is too far from the original form of art that it cannot be considered an evolution of it.
rahvin said:
i hope i'm not the only one around here to think that dark tranquillity should break up as soon as they've reached the end of the path of ideas and inspirations that the band has started on under this name. it wouldn't really seem that tragic, to me.

i cannot possibly foresee any "difference of opinions" among the band members that would lead them to go their separate way over something personal. they've been friends since the dawn of time, they're not spoiled starlets arguing over where to go for dinner or chasing after big money. but it does make sense that once they feel that the dark tranquillity project has expressed all that it meant to, their paths in music might diverge, or take a different form that, while still allowing them to work together, would not be under the monicker we know and love.

to be honest, i'd much prefer this solution to having my favorite band either putting out uninspired/repetitive records, or making music that is too far from the original form of art that it cannot be considered an evolution of it.
You're not alone. I agree. =) Let us hope that will be the case.

But, in that case... rahvin, just how far from the original form of art do you think they've gone? ;)
UndoControl said:
But, in that case... rahvin, just how far from the original form of art do you think they've gone? ;)

well, even though i'm sure the sub-genre police (tm) will disagree on the terminology used, they play music in a style that it still filed under extreme metal. i'd say the point when it stops making sense is when a band goes through a drastic severance from their trademark sound. for instance, i remember the melo-death act pyogenesis, from the early '90s, became a pop-punk band in a couple of year's time. in my opinion, this is a case when they should have changed their name.

and of course this doesn't mean dark tranquillity cannot choose to release an acoustic album if they feel like it. a one-off stray from the usual style is not enough.