When/why will DT break up?

i thought he was a girl. then i read about the male population of mexico having to do military service and him considering himself lucky cos he wasn't drawn to serve. i still thought he was a girl, in a way. not because he's not serving in the military tho. :)
Agreed that the fresh blood is good blood. It's helped revitalize this place a bit, the evidence being that I'm posting again (gasp). Now lets see how long he can keep me here till I inexplicably disappear again :p

And on topic, I think DT will last as long as making the music is fun for the members. And honestly, as much as I'll miss the band and get depressed when they announce it, when that fateful day arrives, I'll know the reason why, and I'll be able to respect that. But that day will not come soon, that much I'm sure of :)

Schwedentod: :D Thanks!! You made my day, man, i was really feeling down today. :)

rahvin: Let us hope that doesn't happen too soon. ;)

hyena: In what way? :err: ;)

marduk: Maybe i don't have enough things to do... :D =P No, seriously, i find this forum quite interesting compared to the other forums i've been in. The intelligence of people and the quantity of intelligent people are way higher than what i'm used to seeing. Thanks to all of you for making this forum interesting to me (thus inducing me to post).

fireangel: Haha... Thanks for that, i guess... :)

Kov: Let us hope a very long time passes before you become inclined to disappear again. I enjoy reading your posts, and i believe the forum would lose something important if you left.

Wow, guys, i really appreciate all of this. I'm moved by all the things you said. You guys made my day today. :D (I don't believe i'd ever used this many smileys in a single post... hell, i don't think i'd ever used so many in a single day!)


On-topic: If DT were to disband in that way, it would further increase the already immense respect i have for them (which is an important reason why they're my favorite band).
@UC: Yeah, this forum cast its positive spell on me, too. I mean, I dont listen to DT that much anymore and the band related things are rarely discussed here, but I still check it several times a day.

Plus, I also think the elders here have had their share of noob bashing, so now they are all cuddly and stuff... :grin:
All in all, we all come back to the same conclusions :
1-Dark Tranquillity will only disband upon a reasonnable and senseful reason.
2-When they do it's their decision and our duty as human beings and fans to respect it.
3-We all hope they never find such a reason.:grin:
4-Dark Tranquillity will never be replaced. I believe a 16-years running formation of such talented and independant musicians is impossible to replace. There will be other bands, different bands, but I believe DT left a unique and extremely important signature in the world of extreme music. I can hardly name other bands with such a creative and influential carreer and DT hasn't stopped running yet. I can only imagine what other great albums they will produce before they finally leave their throne. (When they do, it better be because of old age and advanced arthritis)

DT's my favorite and no matter what happens, I will always have great respect and admiration for their work.

Well, that was my word on it.
i think they must give it up when on top...We have an example like metallica... And i don't wanna see DT like'em...
Snotcuk said:
i think they must give it up when on top...We have an example like metallica... And i don't wanna see DT like'em...

well, they arent on the top yet. they still do GREAT and fresh music and I hope this will continue the next years. They never dissapointed me in any way and I think this will be as long they exist. In Flames really lost a lot of reputation with their last 2 albums IMO(I hope come clarity will ring clarity).
But DT always succeded
I'm late from the choir, but I'll raise my voice nonetheless: UnDoControl has been a much needed injection of fresh blood to this forum, and I hope he stays that way for a long time. Ever since our first serious disagreement over the quality of the content on the second disc of Exposures, I've found him to be a good argumentator - and you all know I like good arguments now and then. Add to this the combined quality and quantity of interesting new (or in some cases so old that they had been forgotten) topics he constantly makes, and I'm willing to offer the "newbie of the year" award to him.

Heck, if I hadn't so little free time, I'd probably come here a lot more often just to lurk and to read the new threads by UnDoControl.

Villain: You just made my day today. =) That's two days in a row, and two days when i really needed it. Thanks, guys! :D

Yea! I'm the proud winner/owner of the newbie of the year award!! :D

sole: I also believe DT aren't on the top yet. Metallica's "St. Anger" was extremely disappointing to me (in fact, i think they should have disbanded shortly after their self-titled album, though "Ride the lightning" was always my favorite). I wouldn't want that happening to DT. Then again, i'm sure DT won't disappoint us. :D

Edit: Villain, do you want me to make a list of every thread i've started so you don't have to look for them? ;)
Villain said:
I'm late from the choir, but I'll raise my voice nonetheless: UnDoControl has been a much needed injection of fresh blood to this forum, and I hope he stays that way for a long time. Ever since our first serious disagreement over the quality of the content on the second disc of Exposures, I've found him to be a good argumentator - and you all know I like good arguments now and then. Add to this the combined quality and quantity of interesting new (or in some cases so old that they had been forgotten) topics he constantly makes, and I'm willing to offer the "newbie of the year" award to him.
oh yes u r right and me too i noticed how great were UC threads, isn't it true UC? :wave:
UndoControl said:
Metallica's "St. Anger" was extremely disappointing to me (in fact, i think they should have disbanded shortly after their self-titled album, though "Ride the lightning" was always my favorite). I wouldn't want that happening to DT. Then again, i'm sure DT won't disappoint us. :D
Metallica is a special case of greedy ppl imo even if i don't know them personally (and i'm sure i don't lose athing!!!!). :p
I remember back in 1986 when they hated commercial bands and were against all form of business in a very "verbal-violent" way. they hated doing videos, they hated having a special look, they hated all sort of "posers" stuff. I mean i think someone can change his mind on things but i hate ppl who always express contempt about persons and then act worse...
all this to say that DT seems different ppl from metallica... :p (at least i hope for them! ;) )