Where do you work and what do you do?


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
Yes, boredom kills. Another bullshit thread. Sue me.

If you aren't currently working, what was your last job?

I am going back to college full-time and I have been taking a long vacation (since October) while collecting unemployment. My last job though, was just a part-time job because I was going to college at the time. I was a PR (Public Relations) Representative for the Grant County Public Utility District's GB (Gigabit) FiberOptic project (Zipp). Pretty good job for a 19 year old, huh? What do you do?

NP: Symphony X - A Fool's Paradise
I "work" once a week at a mental institution. Actually, I am a trainee, I need to have a certain numbers of hours there for college. I do want a real job though (read: one that pays), only right now it's kind of tough because of my studies and stuff.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
Yes, boredom kills. Another bullshit thread. Sue me.

If you aren't currently working, what was your last job?

I am going back to college full-time and I have been taking a long vacation (since October) while collecting unemployment. My last job though, was just a part-time job because I was going to college at the time. I was a PR (Public Relations) Representative for the Grant County Public Utility District's GB (Gigabit) FiberOptic project (Zipp). Pretty good job for a 19 year old, huh? What do you do?

NP: Symphony X - A Fool's Paradise

A Fool's Paradise? On which record?
My 'real' job is being assistant of a professor at the University of Antwerpen. That means teaching and mostly doing research.
Next to that I'm a photographer, reporter, reviewer for Mindview (metal)magazine.
In other words, I'm a busy little girl..
I work as an Admin Assistant in the Institute of Hospitality and Tourism at Derby University. 9-5 (unless we've got a lot on then more), 5 days a week. So I'm glad to get my whole weekends free. I wouldn't mind working in something else though, I'm not cut out for Admin as you have to be level headed and use common sense which I lack. I used to work for the Social Security in admin for Job Seeker's Allowance then Short Term sickness Benefits Departments. I just sort of ended up here cuz I didn't know what I really wanted to do (something more creative would be nice). It pays the bills and I can afford a few gigs though.
Im at college but work part time as a lifeguard (It pays well :D) the only down side is you need a qualification and have to look studly 24/7
Spod2508 said:
Computer Programmer for Dell Computers. Thrilling.....:ill:


NP: Opeth - Patterns In the Ivy II