Where do you work?

You certainly are making a big scene about yourself and your illegal acts on a public message board. Smart doesn't run in your family, does it?

Yeah, you're not greedy. Those extra gigabytes are critical to your survival.

I don't want to say it seem like you guys are jealous or something because I don't want to sound like a dick but what other reason would make you give a fuck? I shared a story I thought was funny and it was kind of clever. If you have the spare money to buy a bigger iPod, that's fine. I don't. And it's not about critical to my survival, but I do my best to get the best for the people I care about. If I could get a nicer iPod then why not? I don't see the big deal.
I hate my job, by the way. I make $7.75 an hour for doing extremely hard labor, timed things such as Go Gets where if I don't get the shit from the floor or back on the shelves in the gigantic warehouse in time I'm in trouble. Then planograms, merchandising, tagging if I'm lucky.

I steal tons of candy and drinks but I haven't stolen an ipod despite the fact that most people there have.
I hate my job, by the way. I make $7.75 an hour for doing extremely hard labor, timed things such as Go Gets where if I don't get the shit from the floor or back on the shelves in the gigantic warehouse in time I'm in trouble. Then planograms, merchandising, tagging if I'm lucky.

I steal tons of candy and drinks but I haven't stolen an ipod despite the fact that most people there have.

Well, I don't see why not man, I mean do it only if you won't get caught. If you feel comfortable, if it's against your morals then I respect that. I don't see why not, especially since you work your balls off and get nothing in return, you have AT LEAST earned a fucking iPod ffs. I don't know man, I am just a hustler. I am not a thief, I would never steal anything from someone who would miss it or be hurt as a result.

Like I've said, if you make minimum wage, or work a job that has no advancement and you make just enough to get by, and you obey all the rules to a tee, then you're a fucking sheep. I'm not saying rob the place blind, but relax, don't take your job so fucking serious. Do what you need to do and that's it, don't go overboard. Nothing I hate more than the sour cunts at a dead end job who take the little power they have and abuse it.
Because I can't stand people who don't take responsibility for themselves. Why not get a better iPod? Because you can't afford it. If you were really as smart as you claim to be, you'd find a legitimate way to get the things that you want.
Haha Joe now would be a good time to STFU about this. Seriously. I mean, I don't care if you continue but goddamn... haven't you said enough yet?
I have respect for Joe. Whatever his hustle is, it's working. And it's working well enough to get him a beautiful girlfriend.

Get ya money nigga, fuck the haters.
Because I can't stand people who don't take responsibility for themselves. Why not get a better iPod? Because you can't afford it. If you were really as smart as you claim to be, you'd find a legitimate way to get the things that you want.

I take plenty responsibility for myself, you don't know me. Why should I go without? What is smarter, getting a job, saving up, busting my ass to waste an extra 300 on something or pulling a quick one and getting it? It's a point of view, I can see how you don't approve of what I did but why do you give a shit? I work hard for my money, I don't think spending it when I don't have to just to feel like I am somehow a better person is reasonable.

Haha Joe now would be a good time to STFU about this. Seriously. I mean, I don't care if you continue but goddamn... haven't you said enough yet?

Dude, I could care less, I'm waiting for the last episode of the Shield to be uploaded. If you guys don't approve, that's fine. It doesn't bother me. I mean I don't judge you guys for some shit, so yeah. If you don't agree with what I do that's fine and I respect that. But it's all a point of view. If you think what I am doing is wrong, well it's about perspectives. I won't say you're wrong for thinking that, but don't judge me. I totally regret mentioning the fucking story, although thank Christ I didn't say anything else, I think someone might have had an aneurysm.

Anyways, I'll drop it if you guys do ffs...
And I would imagine "smart" people wouldn't fucking talk about it so much on a completely public forum. Especially a forum full of people that hate him and know where he lives.
and for clarification, I have nothing against you or what you're doing, I could give a fuck. But it doesn't seem to make much sense to me how willing you are to talk about it in public after saying "smart people don't get caught."
I have respect for Joe. Whatever his hustle is, it's working. And it's working well enough to get him a beautiful girlfriend.

Get ya money nigga, fuck the haters.
:lol: I don't care if they disapprove, I only regret mentioning it because it fucking derailed the thread big time and I totally didn't expect that. My point is if it bothers you to do such things, then don't. I won't call you fucking squares and pussies so why is it I am a thief and a peice of shit because I didn't give Apple 200 dollars?

Because God forbid people working minimum wage jobs enjoy what they're doing, take pride in their work, and wish to see their store and company succeed.
I didn't say don't take pride in your work. I said that basically, do your job. But do it to the level you're paid. Why bust your ass if your job doesn't lead anywhere. Don't be a lazy fuck, but don't break your ass working hard for no reason. And why the fuck would you care if your store and company succeeds beyond the fact that it stays open and you're employed... how does your company making money off work you do for minimum wage benefit you??

We just have different world views. I'm not saying yours is wrong, to each his own.
and for clarification, I have nothing against you or what you're doing, I could give a fuck. But it doesn't seem to make much sense to me how willing you are to talk about it in public after saying "smart people don't get caught."

Have I EVER made a reference to it before? No. For whatever reason I made the mistake bringing it up (I mean boasting about doing drugs is totally cool) and it turned into this. It's not like I will get caught from what I said here anyways. Even if someone did try to somehow report this, it wouldn't amount to shit. I never posted any crime I did, except the iPod trick which I don't really consider a crime. It doesn't rove anything, for all you know I'm full of shit and an internet tough guy!!!11!!1