Where do you work?

I'm a freelance English teacher. I whore myself out to various language institutes, which in turn whore me out to corporations around this region. Twice a week from 1900-2200 I teach a night class paid for mostly by the region for people who want to learn English. They also have computer classes, German, Italian, etc. which they provide for the populace.

I'm paid about 22 euros per hour. I work an average of 15-16 hours a week in the fall, and in the winter usually it picks up to about 25 hours per week, and it almost drops off during the summer completely, in which I give lessons at home under the table. I make very little money, but I enjoy being my own boss and having people ask ME if it's ok for them to do something with my job. It's interesting because every year there are new companies and so I have to drive to their place of employment to give the lessons, in which I'm paid for the trip time and mileage. It's nice to be able to meet new people and basically just shoot the shit during classes because they just want the opportunity to use English. Anna has a much better job so the money I bring home is basically for us to play with.
Dude, you ALWAYS say this fucking shit! If you honestly could care less or didn't give a shit, you wouldn't mention that you could care less or give a shit. Rather than write an essay explaining how you don't care you should simply not say anything because, hey, you don't care. I'm not saying this to be a dick, just trying to help you out so you don't look like a dick even though it's too late for that, especially after viewing this thread.

oh whoops, topic.

worked at a call centre as customer support/salespersonthingie for a online retailer, pretty similar to Newegg. I learned to hate people! I don't work there anymore, as I study now.
I work as a barman in a night metal club and the good part is that we have a lot of live shows known and local bands and i drink for free ;p
I should probably clarify that. The hours I work are actual teaching hours, not preparation/travelling hours included. So while I may teach only 4 hours a day, I'm preparing and travelling another 3 hours or so...which still isn't bad. Actually, I pretty much prepare everything for the week in one or two days, which takes up a bit of time, but the rest I'm kinda coasting. The problem with my job is that when it's hot it's really hot, but when it's cold it's frigid. If there aren't any classes, there isn't any money. This fall was like that..it's just NOW starting to pick up.
I steal IPODS and sell drugs... YO.


Actually, I am responsible for the maintenance for various polyurethane plastic welding machines which supply pretty much the entire western US construction industry. Chances are, if you see it on the side of the highway, I've touched it. With my penis. Work with light plastic welding/modification also. My building pumps out a few miles of bubble wrap per day. You know that package you got in the mail last week? Also touched by my penis. HARD. I also work on welders used for oil pit linings. I also expand into production management, since nobody knows what's what better than I. That entails telling mexicans who understand not a word I say what to do. I also deal with shipping on occasion. Usually that involves me yelling at truck drivers. Truck drivers are the worst members of the industry, and the economies dependance on these fucking assholes has turned them in a very demanding self-centered bunch. I would kill a truck driver before a black.

Essentially, I do what needs to be done. The pay is variable depending on the week, it's sort of salary based and sort of overtime/commission based. The hours can go to ridiculous lengths. I can be in the building for 20 hours at a time at some points, or I can be there for an hour. Really depends on what needs to be done that day.
I think we did this one before, but ohh well.

Day Job-


Night Job



Basically I am a teacher and a musician. I teach rock and ice climbing lessons and seminars year round throughout Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and so on.
I play and record quite a bit of music too, and lately the band has been doing well enough to actually pay some bills. That's my story. Some weeks I work 15 hours some weeks it's 60. Still quite poor but quite happy with my jobs.