Where's our shameless "I want a date" thread?

Scene from the last PP:

"Hey Jaime!"

*looks to the left*
*looks to the right*


*looks down* "Oh, hi Babs!"

Well, I have no idea who you think I am, but I assume you remember what I look like, so I'll also assume you're right. Subtract the K from my username. ;)
with all the short people there, one might think this was a hobbit convention but I seem to prefer being around shorter girls.

I hope all of you have a good time as this single tattooed goof won't be making it there this year.:waah: and to think progpower is being held on my birthday weekend this year so ....:waah: :waah: :waah: :mad: :mad: :u-huh: :goggly:
tattooedsean666 said:
and to think progpower is being held on my birthday weekend this year so ....:waah: :waah: :waah: :mad: :mad: :u-huh: :goggly:
So..... basically it sucks to be you!

Sorry, that was cruel, but I had to stab back at you for the hobbit joke (giggle).

Are there any single women over 5'10" attending? I'm 6'5" myself so it would be nice to meet a woman that is semi-close to my height that likes Prog and Power metal as much as I do.
Yes I did Soundscape. I tried to reply back and it bounced twice. So then I took you email, forwarded it on to Debbie and she tried to send you a message and it bounced as well.

Yesterday, I tried to send you a message via Ultimate Metal. I take it that one didn't get through either????
OK, my turn...recently single dad of very cute 4 and 7 year olds girls who obviously take after their dad:grin: .

I'm 6'1, 200 lbs, 40 but look 30 (feel 25), I'm more into Power metal such as Edguy, Kamelot, Blind Guardian but also love stuff like Rush, Tiles, Kansas, Ice Age, Classic rock/metal, Ozzy.

Haven't gotten an airline ticket for PP yet but may fly in on Wed and would be open to meeting other PP Attendees. Ladies, Email me at zinescene2@yahoo.com or aim me at zinescene2 if you want a picture.

I forgot to post some statistics (shamelessly of course)...

I'm about 6'1, 194lbs (and counting -woo!), greenish-blue eyes. I'm 32 but I still get carded for lotto tickets... heh heh heh, I guess I can't pass for 18 at times. I have a soon to be 4 year old princess from a divorce that ended last August (just in time for PP). I work for my parents at their business and am in the process of starting up my own as well. I have 50% custody of my daughter, the ex and I swap every other week. I own my own home and recently got a new vehicle. I did go to college and get an AA degree in Music & Video Business, which I seem to have no use for with the exception of paying off the student loan still.

I have tattoos on both upper arms, left calf, right ankle, abdomen and upper back. No piercings aside from the ears which I haven't worn earrings in god knows how long.

Music wise I listen to just about everything hard rock/metal. PP-wise I lean heavily towards the power side, but am open to giving every band a chance.

I did put myself on the list for the guy who's trying to organize the "meet" before the pre-party as well. My group will be getting to Atlanta Wednesday afternoon. I'm willing to swap cell#s to easily keep in touch with people when we're on the way and in Atlanta. We did this last year and it worked well.

here's some contact info
my bands web site www.ttops.net (I'm the screaming vocalist guy)
justjohn1113@hotmail.com (this one is linked to msn messenger)
BABS said:
Yes I did Soundscape. I tried to reply back and it bounced twice. So then I took you email, forwarded it on to Debbie and she tried to send you a message and it bounced as well.

Yesterday, I tried to send you a message via Ultimate Metal. I take it that one didn't get through either????
ahh, I think I possibly know why and I totally sorry. Like 6 months ago my yahoo email got overloaded with spam and I basically stopped using it, but I may never have changed the email where my Ultimatemetal Profile is set to receive direct email from.

um...do you have Instant messaging?...please send me an instant message on AOL "MNProgDude" or Yahoo "angra_651" or send me a private message on this site which hopefully will work, lol.

sorry about that Babs and if you talk to her, apologize to Debbie too for me please. I think I forgot I never changed my direct email to a working email since I don't post on UltimateMetal forums so much.
